[53]: Betrayal

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[TW]: Violence ⚠️

There is a certain respect to be had for those of whom would kill for their loved ones

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There is a certain respect to be had for those of whom would kill for their loved ones.

But there is a select few that would kill for even those they hate—and those people should be feared.

You were always one of those people.

Under the darkness of the sky, you marched out into the pouring rain, brimming with a passionate rage towards Taehyung.

You couldn't believe he had said that in front of everyone.

You had to leave the room, after his comment. You couldn't stand to look at his face, he was conniving with this petty sarcasm. If you had stayed there a minute longer, you knew the encounter would have gone south for him.


You spun on your heels to face the house and saw Taehyung jogging out alone, under the downpour towards you.

"Don't come any closer," you demanded, stepping and turning away, trying to maintain your shattering composure. "I swear to fucking God."

He stopped running, standing still under the bucketing rain.

You both quickly became drenched.

"Look. You can feel free to have your silly little love affair with Jungkook," he said to you. "Just don't forget what your business in Busan is."

"My business?!" you turned back to face him. "What's my business is none of your concern. And just the fact that you said that shows that you don't know a damn thing about me. Watch yourself."

He scoffed.

He was almost as angry as you were.

But, not quite.

Because Taehyung's reasoning for becoming so angry was completely unsolicited.

If it were just the points from what he had said earlier, you would have cut him some slack in the moment. But he was not angry because of the arrests.

Taehyung was jealous.

His jealousy had quickly turned him ugly, as bitterness was swiftly ruining whatever friendship it was that the two of you had been building.

He was powered by his lust, and his past partners would agree that it deeply affected him in ways he would simply never admit.

He played people. His love was aiming his gun at their hearts and not once hesitating to pull the trigger.

Taehyung couldn't get away with playing you, like the other women from his past. He ruined his ex-lovers, but couldn't break your surface now.

For the first time, Taehyung's face wasn't enough to get him what he was after.

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