[22]: Busan Bound

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You had all safely made it to the plane

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You had all safely made it to the plane.

All...minus one.


After boarding was already closed and Jimin had shown no signs of being nearby, everyone was sure there was no way he was going to make it onto the flight.

Jungkook got off the phone with him after saying he was thirty minutes away, when boarding began.

It was very easy and quick for you to come to terms with the fact that Jimin would miss the flight and you would be blessed with his absence for the time being.

Finding your seat down the aisle with your other two partners a few rows behind you, you were beyond pleased to have been assigned the window seat.

Throwing your bag to the foot of your seat and crawling into the spot, you let yourself take a deep breath.

Your eyes were still as wide as ever.

You felt good. Content. Happy.

You seemed to notice everyone in a good mood. People smiled, were courteous and considerate. No one seemed to notice your state, or become skeptical of your sobriety, because you were so good at masking it.

But then, it was Jungkook that found his seat next to you.

"No, no." you grumbled, pushing him away. "Nope. Not sitting next to you for a whole hour."

You forced your way out, climbed over him, and took your bag with you.

There's no way Jungkook would be naive enough to take something like that personally. At least not coming from you.

He was familiar with you now. He knew you well enough.

You found your way to the back of the plane, an empty seat. You helped yourself to it in hopes of not being approached by a flight attendant.

After a few minutes passed, you were comfortable enough to let your concerns go. You tucked your earphones in and closed your eyes.

Although everything was black, your eyes still felt like they were wide open.

The sounds of Birds of Tokyo played into your eardrums. It was serenity. They hadn't sounded this melodic in forever.

An abrasive tapping sensation on your shoulder woke you from your sixty seconds of peace.

Both eyes pinged open.

Badger, the new recruit.

He was leaning up against the seat just in front of you with one arm.

It wasn't until now—that your panic had worn off and you could actually see a metre in front of you—that you came to terms with how handsome he was.

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