[59]: Un-Masked

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As you took your time whisking up some breakfast eggs, flashes from the night before coloured your brain like a messy painting

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As you took your time whisking up some breakfast eggs, flashes from the night before coloured your brain like a messy painting.

You showered the eggs in salt as you wondered weather or not you should regret what you had done.

Because, in the haze of drunken adrenaline, you and Jungkook had experimented with a little more than just kissing.

The time spent together, exploring each others' bodies felt like no more than ten minutes.

But, in reality, you had spent over an hour in the intimate state with him.

You had both been thrown back into two hormonal, careless teenagers in those moments you shared. You had both missed out on those vital years.

Neither of you got to experience a normal teenage hood.

And last night was your release.

You remembered the soft whimpers, the gentle caresses, the look in your bed-partner's eyes that screamed lust.

But, not lust in general.

Lust for you.

A lust for you that had been controlled and withheld for a long time. 

You never would have expected last nights' events to have unfolded the way they did. But, as you recalled all the different ways Jungkook had tenderly taken care of you, you realised that you weren't mad that they had.

He was so...hot.

So suggestive, seasoned, and sexy.

"Your eggs are burning."

Startled, you looked up to where the voice had sounded from.

"Taehyung." you muttered.


He wondered out of the hall in his warmest sports attire, which almost perfectly matched yours.

"What're you doing awake?" you asked him, moving your burnt eggs onto the slice of toast you had prepared.

It was too early for the rest of the boys to be up.

"Same as you, it seems."

"Mm," you mumbled, assuming he was addressing the sport-sensible outfit you wore.

Baggy sweatpants, a thermal crewneck and a large hoodie.

Topped with, of course, a beanie.

You felt a wave of shivers move up your spine as Taehyung glided behind you, headed for the cupboard to retrieve his favourite cereal box.

Neither of you had addressed the fight since it happened—and the tension could not go ignored.

Taehyung started making his cereal while you found a seat on one of the wooden stools.

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