[42]: Ride Along

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You woke up to the birds

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You woke up to the birds.

Loud chirps of all different types filled the cold air. Everything about Busan was starting to get much colder now, you had noticed.

The local birds sung loudly, their cheerful little morning tunes. They woke up with the sun, and decided it would be only fair to wake you up, too.

But you didn't mind.

Recently, you had gotten plenty of sleep.

The night terrors had kept their distance, thankfully.

Finally, you were well-energised with enough rest to last the whole year, but it all seemed to be going to waste, because you had been cooped up in the house for who knows how long. You had lost track of the days.

Some of the boys would keep you company, as they would come-and-go from the safehouse.

Not really, though. You often distanced yourself from the group where possible. It certainly wasn't getting any easier working with them, when you weren't actually doing anything.

You had been as useful as a sitting duck for days, able to do nothing but wait and hope that someone else would be able to find some ground.

It was no surprise that nobody found anything.

Nada. Not even a clue.

You knew you couldn't rely on them, when it came down to it.

You knew from the start, that you could only rely on yourself to complete this mission; the only one with any of the right skills, and knowledge. But to do so, you knew you had to step back and take it all from a new angle.

You had to reactivate and head in solo.

After receiving that photo from Jimin a few days ago, you had some concerns about your diligence over the past few weeks.

You knew the man in the photo. It was no doubt, the resemblance was uncanny.

And it seemed that he knew you, too.

He was following.

He was the man who hauled after you, that night at the bar. But you knew that wasn't the only encounter you had with the unnerving man.

How did you forget to consider the fact that you could have a tail all this time, all while going out and drinking to blackout? Why did the boys not remind you? Hell, why didn't they say anything at all?

That conniving man was there with all of you, the whole time and you never even noticed.

You obviously made a huge mistake, and got complacent in the mission. You should have been more careful.

The very thought of what could have happened had the hairs on your arms standing up for days.

Where is he now? And what does he want with you?

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