[69]: Incomplete

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Six of the seven boys sat gawking soundlessly at the Golden Egg as it sat on the counter

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Six of the seven boys sat gawking soundlessly at the Golden Egg as it sat on the counter.

Even covered in your blood, in was beautiful.

You rested asleep in bed, after Jin and Namjoon fixed up your injuries with the proper bandages. They hoped to cure you immense mental fatigue, with some hard-earned sleep. It was no surprise that you fell unconscious almost the moment your head hit the pillow.

You should be in shock for the rest of your life, after your effort at the mob house.

The boys didn't really know what to say to one-another. They had just been glaring intensely at the Egg for five whole minutes, without saying a word. The whole situation had caught them so off-guard, that they started to question their own talents.

But despite the delicacy of the atmosphere, Jimin was the one to break the silence.

"So...that was unexpected."


"Very." Namjoon replied, breathlessly.

Jin chimed in. "I can't believe she really did it."

"Yeah, no wonder that bitch held Y/N so close." Yoongi muttered, arms crossed with nerve, as he glared at the Egg that had caused all this trouble. "She's oozing with talent."

"How did she even find it? All of her leads were duds."

"I'm equally amazed as I am horrified," Hoseok admitted. "She did all that without the seven of us even knowing? She's so sneaky. Damn, i'd hate to get on her bad side."

"Yeah, not to mention the carnage that she left behind." Taehyung muttered under his breath.

Namjoon glared at Taehyung.

"I don't want to hear it from you right now." he said, talking across the others. "All Y/N has ever known is how to do what Chaewon tells her. She was told to get the Egg. She got it. She took the measures she thought were necessary to finish the task, as any of us would. Don't try and act like you don't have blood on your hands, too."

"Yeah, I know." Taehyung held both arms up sparingly. "It was just such a blood-bath in there. It's shocking to see how dangerous she really can be."

"And all on her own, too."

"We should have been there." Jungkook murmured.

The six boys turned to face him.

Jungkook sat on his own, tucked into one of the sofas, with his face buried in his palms. Jungkook fought back tears.

"What do you-"

"We're supposed to be protecting her," he was at his breaking point, his voice weak and decrepit, taking the others by surprise. "And, even after all the time I had to prove myself, she still felt like she had to do it alone."

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