[58]: Curve Ball

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Neither of you were sure exactly how long you had been talking, but night had since fallen

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Neither of you were sure exactly how long you had been talking, but night had since fallen.

Thanks to the nature of the conversation, you had gotten the privilege to learn things about Jungkook that you never would have expected he'd admit. Not in a million years.

Things he had probably told no one.

Some things that were hard to hear.

For the last half an hour, it had been about his relationship with Jimin, and how much it meant to him. He explained in detail, everything Jimin had sacrificed over the years, to save Jungkook's life.

The story cut you a little more then you would like to admit.

You moved on quickly, though.

"Y'know Y/N," Jungkook took a long pause, his eyes unfocused on the icy window. "If my mom was still alive, I would tell her all about you."

You turned your head to face him, shocked to hear his voice shake in the sentence.

He obviously meant it.

You softened your expression, letting him continue.

"I feel like you're the type of girl that people write songs about. Or books." the corners of his lips curved upwards, as he thought deeper. "If I could write well, I would write a book about you."

"No you wouldn't." you scoffed.

"Mm. Maybe not." he chuckled before deciding to lean his head on your shoulder. "But it's a nice thought. Maybe in another dimension, I'll write you a whole library."

"Yeah. Maybe."

You couldn't help but wonder what he meant by all that.

Was this just a thing he says to all of his friends?

You stretched your arm behind him on the sofa. Softly, you twirled a piece of his hair between your fingers. So soft, he barely felt it.

Though he couldn't help but smile wide, once he did.

He sighed. "Your drive was very overwhelming, when I first met you."

You glared at him, briefly reminiscent on the days spent riled with the determination to remain cold and extremely reserved around him.

You made a point of being rude, back then.

"But now, I think it's something I crave."

Your stomach pitted. The pure depth of his words were beginning to make you feel anxious, as he was openly expressing his vulnerabilities.

What did he mean by that?

You had definitely misjudged Jungkook.

From the traumatising night at Scrim bar, when you first met, all the way until this candied moment—you had thought very wrongly of him.

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