[65]: Baggage

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"That would mean

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"That would mean..."

Your eyes were unfocused somewhere in the distant border of the window.

You looked lifeless.

"Correct. You and I were the heirs to captain the league, before Chaewon evoked her reign."

You're...an heir?

You had next to nothing to remember your mother by.

At this point in life, you could barely even remember her smile.

Lost deeply in spiralling thoughts, you started to recall the small details of the story that Yoongi had told you.

The children, he was talking about you and Jin.

Your mother was the first woman ever to lead a gang, that the members all wanted a place in.

A merciful leader.

She had the throne.

She deserved it, too.

When you first heard the story, you didn't believe that mercy could have gotten the unnamed woman very far within a violent gang ring. Especially not as a woman.

But now, seeing the relation to your mother, you could see clearly how she had made it work.

She had built an empire.

Your mother.

Your blood.

That's what it all came back down to, at the end of the day.


Your mother had earned a whole army's loyalty. She cherished her members, and nurtured beautiful relationships between them.

People would run themselves into the ground to save and protect her—she earned that respect. It didn't just fall into her lap.

She was a living, breathing, master of the underdogs. She had a King's status, amongst them all.

The King was a woman.

And she was your mother.

Until she wasn't; until she was murdered.

It was bound to happen eventually. But to know that it was captioned by someone wanting to take her place, and steal her name—that filled you with a rage you couldn't describe.

Suddenly, your thoughts where interrupted by Jin moving, as he reached into his pocket, and pulled out his phone shortly after.

He didn't say a word, flicking through the content for a moment.

Then, he turned the screen to show you.

Initially, you saw a large group of people, posing for a photo.

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