[32]: The First Race

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The smell.

With the memories this induced—it was as if this unique smell carried the very essence of your early teenage years.

Burnt rubber. Hot asphalt. Smoke.

As you breathed in a toke of your cigarette, you let your eyes feast upon the night.

"Why'd you bring me here?" you turned your gaze towards Jungkook, but kept your body facing the scene before you.

And what was presented, was a beautiful display of authentic car culture.

Parked perfectly in-line, about thirty cars. All imports, built not bought. Bold colours, bolder sounds. Decorated in stylish stickers, and driven by the most fearless of people.

You were raised on this kind of recklessness.

You couldn't take your eyes off the cars.

Jungkook looked down to you. His eyes were heavy, carrying the darkness of the night, while his lips had slowly developed an awed smile.

"Because of that."

You looked back at him, while a metaphorical question-mark hovered above your face.


Taking a slow drag of his own cigarette, Jungkook pointed his finger at your face.

"Because of that smile."

The visual cringe that occupied your features was almost unintentional. As if the humiliation of being under such odd inspection, took over.

He let out a soft laugh—a chuckle almost—before looking back ahead.

"I knew you'd love it."

You too, turned to face the cars again. Everyone was standing outside their vehicles, chatting about how they appreciated the perfectly built roads.

This is car culture.

Standing around, laughing, inhaling both first-hand, and second-hand smoke, and being surrounded in people who share your biggest passion.

It's truly beautiful.

You literally cannot help smiling. It's humiliating, but at this very small moment in time, euphoria is finally not overcome by humiliation.

After seeing the way you were so eager to observe the calm chatter of the racers, Jungkook felt warm. He had never seen you smile the way you did when you were racing.

He didn't even know you were capable of smiling until that very first time you did.

That's why he brought you out. He had been in Busan before—knew of the racers, and where to be if you want to be involved.

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