[28]: Rush

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God, damn it

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God, damn it.

It doesn't feel good.

Your head was stinging. A stabbing, burning sensation coated your face and parts of the right side of your neck.

Where the glass was blasted into your face, there were cuts. Some small, some large enough to lead thick streams of blood down your cheek.

But you were almost home now.

At the door, actually.

And it was bearable.

With a quick knock (mostly just to warn the people inside that you were home) you opened the door and curled inside.

Everyone turned to you.

Taehyung and Jimin were over by the couch, watching something on their laptop together. They were each hugging a pillow on their laps. Namjoon and Hoseok resided in the kitchen, making a combined effort at dividing the pizza they ordered evenly onto all the plates.

But when their eyes shot in your direction, and realised the state you were in, they were quick to rush to your side.

"What the fuck!?" Taehyung exclaimed with a tone that was dark and unnerving. "What-"

"What happened!?" Jimin interrupted, reaching towards you.

"Who did this?" Taehyung asked.

Everyone that made it to you seemed to have noticeably uneasy body language. Their hands didn't have anywhere to be placed, their feet moved around, and they were all slightly crouched over, nervous to get too close. It was as if they all didn't really know how to handle the situation.

As far as they all knew, you had just gone out for some exercise.

And despite that impression, you had come back much later than expected, drunk, bleeding, and smelling of burnt rubber.

You shooed them all away.

"Someone knows about me. I don't know who, I didn't catch a face." you pushed past them but they all followed you until you found your seat on the stool in the kitchen. "He chased me."

"Who!?" Jimin chirped.

If looks could kill, Jimin would be long gone.

You looked at him with a pair of eyes so inflamed and irritable, that he swore he could feel his heart rate slowing.

"If I knew that, I wouldn't have said that I didn't know that."

He shut his mouth. Quickly. And Namjoon took the lead.

"Well, how did this happen? There's a shard of glass right here. Was it glass? A window?" as he spoke, he walked around the counter and opened one of the drawers, digging for something. "Can you give me whatever details you can? No pressure."

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