[33]: House of Mandu

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"That's it, alright

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"That's it, alright."

"Are you sure? It doesn't look very lively in there."

Namjoon was right. It was the place.

But so was Jimin, because from the outside, it looked like an empty bottom-floor bar that was verging bankruptcy with its lack of customers.

That didn't stop your team from needing to see what was inside. You had hope, and with that, you reminded yourself of the Iceberg Effect.

For the sake of remaining low-key, you had taken the passenger seat with Namjoon, leaving your car at the apartment to recover from the night before.

Hoseok had chosen to stay home. He was supposed to be the backup. A close contact to call, in the unlikely case of the group facing a conflict.

He mentioned having recently infiltrated the cameras of the building, too, having eyes on the situation if need be. None of you really knew what you were walking into. It was for safety.

And seeing how fast he accessed that information on the laptop was extremely impressive.

He liked it this way—he felt a strong sense of responsibility.

In some ways, the whole group was leaning on Hosoek, as the backbone of support.

"Let's head in." Namjoon suggested, opening the door of the Corvette before folding out. You followed just behind him.

Your clothes were dark, to stick to your routine. Baggy black cargo pants, black AirForces, a white singlet but topped with a large zipup crew-neck. Obviously, a hat. Your hair was in a low pony-tail.

Namjoon's car was parked out the front, and Taehyung had parked his red Skyline right behind the Corvette.

Watching everyone ready themselves made you think.

About a lot.

But mainly, just about the potential hidden intentions of everyone in this group.

What lay beneath the surface in them all.

You wanted to know. You didn't trust them.

Shaking your head to metaphorically shake off anything that might distract you from the task at hand, you pulled yourself together.

"Alright. We're gonna spread out." Namjoon had taken to lead again, and—for some reason—you were okay with it. "Reaper, Whistler, right wing. Suga you come with me, we tackle downstairs. Cookie and Echo, you hit the left wing."

The people in the group glance around at each other, making eyes with their partners in crime.

"Everyone make sure your earpieces are in working order," Namjoon fumbled with his own as a demonstration. "That way, we stay in contact with each other, and Hobi back at home. Suga, you look for the girls. Everyone else keep an eye out for anything out of the ordinary."

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