[23]: Arrival

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You couldn't help but smile as you realised the journey was finally over

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You couldn't help but smile as you realised the journey was finally over.

But the work was not.

It had actually just begun.

Back on the plane, Jungkook had ended up helping himself to your left seat a second time on that plane.

He had claimed that he just wanted to make sure that you were okay, for the turbulence. However, you couldn't help but feel that Taehyung had said something to him, about what he saw.

Fast forward to now, the four of you stood just beyond the bounds of the airport.

This was actually your first time in Busan.

It was pretty.

And cold.

"Alright, one of our first moves should definitely be finding our headquarters. Somewhere safe."

It was Taehyung speaking.

"Boss already sent me the address of where i'm staying," you said, "Has she not sent you yours?"

"I imagined we'd all be staying together." he replied.

"No way," you scoffed. "We don't know how long we'll be here, and I can't focus around strangers."

Taehyung and Jungkook looked at each other, confused.

Jungkook was especially confused that you were still referring to him as just a stranger.

"Alright, then." Taehyung said, "Well, still I think it's important that we focus- Oh, hold on."

At that moment, he received a message. You and Jungkook looked at him as he read it, not sure of what it was.

"Fuck..." he cussed.

"What?" you and Jungkook said in unison.

"Shipment fault. They can't deliver the weapons crate to us."

Your eyes doubled in size.

For you, it sunk in very quickly that none of the team were going to have any of their weapons on standby.

Weather they were for offence, or defence, none of you could bring anything with you, because of the airport security.

That was bad news. That left your entire team at a major setback, with none of your necessary equipment. You had nothing to protect yourselves with.

You should have expected something like this.

You should have been on it.

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