[56]: Fluke

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It was as normal as it could be, for a morning in a mafia safehouse

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It was as normal as it could be, for a morning in a mafia safehouse.

Yoongi and Namjoon had spent an hour making a large spread for breakfast. The boys were scattered randomly around the room, not sitting at the table like a regular family would for a regular meal.

Because this was no regular family.

There was a thickness in the air that probably came from Taehyung's absence.

From what you could assume from the conversation you heard between Jimin and Hosoek, Taehyung was keeping refuge in his room.

You couldn't deny the festering obligation you felt to talk to him. Despite the pit of gloom that was welling in your gut thanks to Taehyung's words, you felt like it was your job to mend that tear in the group.

"Should I go speak to him?" you asked Namjoon, hoping he would have the best advice.

Namjoon finished filling your plate with bacon, eggs and two hash-browns. He looked calm, a placid, unbothered expression on his bold features as he looked down at the plate. And, it was contagious. He relaxed you.

"No. It's too soon. He'll come to you when he's ready."

You nod. Thank God.

Most of the boys were closely observant of your actions, once you and Jungkook had returned from your coffee retrieval this morning. They were all deeply concerned about your reaction to the information bomb that had been dropped on you, the night before.

Yoongi especially, felt like he was on suicide watch. After your weird outburst at the bridge.

They had no idea what was going on in your brain. They couldn't imagine having being put that in situation.

And your reaction, or, lack-there-of, was making them extremely skeptical. How could you be so calm after all of that?

But the truth was, you didn't know how to feel about it either.

Taehyung had to have been playing on your weakness; it simply couldn't be true.

Could it?

You had seen the video, yourself. The one where your brother, Seokjin, was shot in the chest by a rabid, raging hooded figure.

You would never be able to erase the ghastly footage from your mind, though you had tried your best.

There was no way he was alive, after that.

Seokjin used to be your partner.

The two of your were some of the best, sought-after teens in your division. You received endless accolades over the years as you were such a force to be reckoned with, in combat.

But your partner died.

In the field, he was ambushed. The agency even held a ceremony to commemorate him, and pay their respects to him and his legacy.

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