[67]: Bloodbath

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⚠️ [T/W]: gore, graphic depictions of violence, death. ⚠️

woo hoo 👍

The almost harmonic sound of gunfire thickened the air

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The almost harmonic sound of gunfire thickened the air.

The once silent night turned spine-chilling as new young blood littered the floor of the Nakamura dwelling.

Immediately after you blasted down the door, the inside plunged into chaos.

Members of the gang from every corner of the building came darting towards you. They knew you. Well. They even knew you were coming.

Just, not exactly when.

The whole Nakamura clan had been made very aware of you and your group.

You narrowed your eyes and aimed your weapon into the halls, gunning down every moving body you could.

You didn't need a smoke bomb, nor flash bang, nor frag grenade. You needed none of that, as your blind rage was miles strong enough to carry you to victory.

You charged inside like a bull after a red cloth.

Rash explosions pounded at your ears, from every direction. You squinted your eyes in concentration.

One after the other, bodies fell to the ground.

Shouts and screams of agony, pleading, rage and even mercy echoed through your head as you sprayed the room with bullets.

Everything you saw was red.

Sweat coated your whole body, and you had quickly been doused with the warm blood of your opponents, but it didn't worry you.

Nothing worried you. Not even the debilitating pain that came from your lower abdomen as you clenched to support the backlash of your gun.

Your expression was sharp, eyes like daggers into the souls of the mortal.

You had tunnel-vision. There was no stopping you now.

Some of the insiders managed to fire shots at you, but your chest armour did it's job, savouring your life.

You pushed your way inside, maintaining a strong, uniformed posture and keeping the waves of enemies at bay with your spraying bullets.

You moved through the main section of the hall, heading towards the well-guarded office.

Your breathing was heavy and strained as you struggled to withstand the force of the bullets that pounded your vest. Simultaneously, you focused on properly composing yourself while you mercilessly gathered a large body-tally.

One of the members caught you by surprise as they tackled you to the ground, separating you from your weapon.

But you wasted no time, restraining the man's body, reaching for your leg and pulling a knife from its holster.

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