[40]: Anarchy

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When you finally started coming back into consciousness, it was in waves

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When you finally started coming back into consciousness, it was in waves.

Blurry waves.

It had been between fuzzy visuals, slurred words and screams that your brain couldn't reorganise enough to make any sense. You recalled a few minutes ago, someone had shouted out.

"Return fire!"

After that, it was chaos.

Bullets sprayed, darting through the sky in every direction, sounding loudly in deafening volumes. The gunpowder sparks lit up the street like fireworks, there were so many.

You had just been dragged out of the car.

Whoever was behind you and responsible for removing you from the vehicle, pulled you by your underarms, across the concrete, taking your limp body to what seemed to be shelter, when you were dragged into a sidewalk bush.

You could hear more screaming across the road; many more shots fired.

There was raging fire, all over the street.

Overwhelmed by the noise and knowing how important it was for you to hide your body while it was so vulnerable, you tried making a feeble attempt at moving.

Maybe to crawl away, or hide your face. Whatever you tired to do—you failed. Your body was not cooperating with your mind. You had been paralysed by whatever it was you took.


After the noise, whoever was behind you, wrapped his large hand around your mouth, bringing his words down to your ear when he whispered.


Your eyes cracked open, briskly looking to the direction that the quiet, deep voice came from, you noticed a tuft of mint green hair.


You felt a sigh of relief leave your lungs. As far as people you were supposed to trust went—you were hopefully safe in Yoongi's hands.

He cradled your body between his legs; his arms safely around your torso. He didn't want you to move around, or to be seen.

He was helping you stay hidden.

As you tried to let yourself relax for a moment, completely drowsy and lacking any emotion, your mind allowed some room for trust.

You close your eyes again.

Moments later, you were asleep.

The anarchy on the street carried on in a dangerous showdown of gunfire, as you drifted off into another round of unconsciousness.


It was around four-thirty AM, that you started to hear the voices again.

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