[10]: Turmoil

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And, there you were again

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And, there you were again.

At the entrance of the building—on the outskirts of Seoul—you found yourself looking up at it, for what felt like the millionth time this week.

You still had your motorcycle helmet on.

A hoodie and some black cargo pants matched the black-tinted visor enough to give you a sense of safety, as you were let through the doors by one of the members.

You marched inside eyes that were lame with fatigue, and hands tucked safely in pockets, while you walked by the few people that were visiting the building.

"Hey, Red!"

An unfamiliar voice.

And a recipe for disaster.

You didn't expect to be called upon so early in your visit. Normally, you had the kind of reputation that allowed you to walk your way through the halls, undisturbed.

You slowly turned your head towards the voice of the person who had summoned your attention.

You did recognise her. Her face, not her voice. And the sole reason for that, was from when you had momentarily met eyes with her in the agency kitchen, once before. You made black coffee, while she made a hot chocolate.

You thought to yourself that she must have been doing the boss a big favour. Why else has someone so annoying not disappeared yet?

No one stays hanging around these parts for very long, without having a damn good reason.

Faces come and go.

Of course there were many regulars that know you, who come visiting every few months to catch up with your boss, and the goings on within the gang. Monthly, annual checkups from people all around Korea.

But they're allies.

They don't work for your team; they work with it.

It was pretty obvious the girl was only hoping for something as simple as a wave, or a smile. However, you were prepared to offer neither. You didn't want to imagine what life would be like if she actually started talking to you, as if you were friends.

So, you turned your head, and kept on walking.

It felt like everyone's eyes were on you in these halls. Every second that you spent there.

Normally, people just kept their distance.

There was no room for casual chatter, in these halls. This was a place for business, safety and condolence.

If you wanted to chat, you'd go visit the boxing dojo. In that place, there was always plenty of people that chat with.

A moment later, you heard the tiniest echo of a slap, a hard slap. Probably from the second girl who was standing beside the bold newbie.

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