[25]: Morning Wonder

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Crawling out of bed at five-am, and stumbling through the share home, you were not surprised to see most of the boys still sound asleep

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Crawling out of bed at five-am, and stumbling through the share home, you were not surprised to see most of the boys still sound asleep.

You were, however, confused as there was no Taehyung.

Out of the five boys, only four were still in the beds that you could see.

You treaded quietly as to not wake the heard, and cupped your hands under the sink to try and get some water in your system.

It was unfortunate none of them were hungry last night, it meant you had to go without food. Even after all of you spent so much time and energy cleaning the apartment.

But, because of your early rise, you had made yourself plenty of time to seize the day, and find some food. Before everyone was to come up with a plan, you had at least an hour or two to yourself.

This was going to become your normal.

The only time you had to really be alone, would only come if you woke up before, or stayed up after the boys.

You walked back to the bedroom you had stayed in—one of the only beds that had all four walls around it. Digging through your unorganised suitcase that was already sprawled out across the whole floor, you found some clothes.

To no one's surprise, you pick some black sweatpants and a dark blue, greyish hoodie.

You were going to try and get a decent jog in, since there was no gym in the building and your boss had always been very strict about keeping fit.

Tying on your favourite shoes, some black air forces, you readied yourself with some small jumps to warm up your calves. Then, you reach for your headphones, your phone, your wallet, and a black beanie.

This early bird was about to get her worm.

Yuck, Y/N.

You slowly and silently trot through the main room, passing the onslaught of strangers that were sleeping peacefully.

Jungkook and Jimin we're snuggling one-another in one of the rooms, sharing a bed.

Hosoek was sprawled out shaped like a star, all limbs hanging off his bed.

And Namjoon slept pin-straight. He looked uncomfortable.

You kept moving, quietly closing the door behind you and made your way down the hallway.

As you deadline for the outdoors, you begin untangling your earphones. Not long after, they were in your ears and you were playing your favourite running music. You put the phone safely in your pocket and zipped it closed, leaving room only for the small white chord.

As the music hypes into full swing, so does your body.

Soon you are free in the early-morning air of Busan. It's still the smallest bit dark, as if the sun just hasn't peaked over the horizon. But at the same time, the sky is somewhat lit.

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