[44]: Stuck In The Mud

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"You don't understand her

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"You don't understand her."

Perhaps, that was you trying to convince yourself that you had some kind of leverage over him with that sentence; because it certainly wasn't convincing Min Yoongi.

You don't understand her.

You don't get her, like I do.

I know something you don't.

It was all bull-shit. Yoongi knew it, too.

"There is no way out." your tone demonstrated a sudden change, as if you were trying to take back what you had said, and word it differently. "Believe me, I've tried."

"Have you?" he challenged.

You scored your eyes, and tried to snap back, but it was no easy feat, winning the momentary stare-down against him.

Because it was not true—you had not really tried.

And you were absolutely filled to the brim with bull-shit, in that passing, impulsive moment.

Yoongi exhaled softly.

"People that are born into burning homes," he paused again, "Normally grow up thinking the whole world is on fire."

You glared at him instantly, but quickly turned away.

Was he right?

Was this blatant stranger really telling you how your life was?

"All you need, Red, is a weakness." he readjusted his posture. "A weakness can easily be leveraged."

"She has no weaknesses." you replied under your breath.

You were starting to sound just as crazy as him.

"After listening to that whole story, you really believe that? Don't be so naive. Everyone has a weakness. I just told you hers."

You squinted.

"She came into the league hiding behind a mask. A persona that never belonged to her. She is standing on very thin ice, and you are the closest one to her." he craned his head back with a dauntless smirk. "All you have to do is stomp around a little."

"Why are you even telling me all this?"

"I just believe in you. I want more for you."

"Why!?" You said a little louder than expected.

He took a while to speak after that, probably just concerned for you. "Red, how much do you know about the others?"

"Not much. I keep to myself."

"I know you do," he agreed, "But I don't take you for ditzy. You always pay close attention. I see it in your eyes, you're constantly ticking. I'm sure you've noticed certain things about the relationships between some of the members, and whatnot."

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