[06]: Bad Habits

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KIM Y/N: want to meet for drinks tonight?

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want to meet for drinks tonight?

there's a popular bar in the city i wanted to check out. i'll pin the address.
[delivered, 2:02AM]


Expecting to get a reply was nothing short of naive.

Firstly, sending off that invitation alone was both inappropriate, given the situation between the two of you, the lack of contact over the time that passed, and also, incredibly high-spirited of you.

What were you thinking?

Were you just bored?

Or maybe, just maybe, it was the pure adrenaline that came with thinking that, after all this time, your brother would finally come back to you.

Your dead brother.

Ignorant? Yes.

Harmful? Possibly.

Still, what was much worse than that, was that you somehow found yourself walking towards the bar anyway.

Almost as if you were influenced so dearly by the overwhelming deceit of sisterly love, that your legs made the decision for you.

As you stomped down the pathed footpath of the centre city of Seoul, you found yourself avoiding eye-contact with everyone that you passed.

You were normally comfortable being out in the broad daylight, although you spent most light hours sleeping them away in your dark-dungeon home.

You had built up a facade in Seoul.

A version of Kim Y/N that isn't so criminal.

By acting 'friendly' to some stretch of the imagination, being compliant with spreading your face around the over-inhabited city, made you seem less suspicious. Cafes, video-stores, tattoo parlours.

You did your best to appear simple.

But, for someone as confused and complex as you, simple was nothing but a mere concept to ponder.

Despite all that, you always carried this vague anxiousness surrounding your occupation; there had been people that you let go, before.

You had countered fear with mercy, before.

Of course, your face was rarely seen. But your eyes were. Your figure. You.

A part of you always wondered and worried if your unrequited mercy, would ever come back to bite you in the ass. You were constantly worried that someone would recognise you. Try to expose you to the public. Maybe by the chunky skate shoes you wore, the way you walked, your rings, or even, maybe, your tattoos.

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