[75]: Smell The Flowers [Final Chapter]

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"So, what now?"

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"So, what now?"

The question had been stubborn and lingering for a few days, but nome of you had the courage to ask it, until now.

It was a scary question, and a dreaded moment.

Because, after all that, what was next? Was this the end to your story? What would come of you? Was there even a right answer?

You had taken a leap of faith for the chance to change your life, break the loop - and survived. But, what comes after survival? You all fought so hard for your lives.

But after surviving a war, how does one relearn how to live?

The depth of unknowing fear was looming over your head like a heavy rain cloud that no storm could shake away. You hoped and prayed that someone else would just take the floor to speak, and rid you of the spotlight.

Someone please say something.

"Well, i'll be the first to say," Jimin began (thank God), reaching over to grab Taehyung's hand. He looked anxious and sad, reluctance seeping out of every inch of him. "I don't want us to split up."

The boys around you jumped to quickly offer him empty inspiration and promises with soft, nurturing oohs and aahs all about how they would never leave him, and that he doesn't have to worry about that. But Jimin wasn't satisfied. It wasn't the answer he was hoping for. He wasn't even looking at them.

He was looking dead at you.

As if, what he really meant to say was: 'Are you going to leave us, Y/N?'

His eyes were begging and pleading. The others looked at you, too. They all knew exactly what Jimin meant.

For they had been wondering the same thing.

Would you leave?

After you said your goodbyes, would you ever see them again? Would you want to?

What would your life turn into? Where would it take you? You had no obligation to be with the six teammates you once despised, and your brother who had betrayed you. The ties could now be cut, and that worried them.

A million unmarked thoughts are zapping around hazardously in your brain, bouncing off every corner with another wall of sickness. All of it was burdened further by the crushing stillness of the room.

They're all waiting.

They want to know.

They want you to stay.

That's when you finally look at Jungkook. He's the only one not frowning.

He's sitting very comfortable on a nearby couch, nursing a pillow on his lap and just looking at you—watching your brain tick.

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