[04]: The King

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You took your place behind your boss

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You took your place behind your boss.

Not too far behind. But you left enough room between you two for her stance to take lead of the conversation.

Hands in pockets, simply just enjoying your lollipop.

The man maintaining his distance across the room, facing you, was also accompanied by his own guard, of sorts.

But his was a little different, appearance-wise.

"Now, I'll hear the pitch you have for me. And, you better pray to your God that it's not a waste of my time." Boss began, glancing at you briefly. Standing bold and proud, every inch of her being radiated power. She was beyond threatening, especially with you by her side. "Proceed."

Because of her casual dismissal, and tone which gave not much away as to what she was thinking—you found yourself growing anxious.

You had been one of Chaewon's closest and most trusted workers since you were old enough to hold a gun.

So, when someone so close to her doesn't even know what to expect, things get blurry.

"I have an offer for you," the man began, swallowing thickly, but he dared not speak her name in vain again. "-And your people."

She raised her eyebrows.

She was barely even entertaining the man.

That much, you could tell.

She knew the 'people' this man had just referred to, was in relation to the gang's members. The people that had been led for a lifetime by The Crimson Dragon.

And, not only was her gang successful in controlling the entire empire by thin puppet-like strings, but it was also on every bigger establishment's shitlist.

Every single leaderboard gang or origin had the name of your gang, and the leader in mind.

They were after you all.

Over the years, they had people and groups of whom devoted their whole lives and homes and time and money into locating and ending the rein of the grand leading gang.

The Phantom league.

Of course, they couldn't catch them.

They couldn't catch you.

And, the leader often prides herself on the fact that she had—so far and so forth—managed to stay off the grid of the Japanese Mafia, Yakuza, which were also out to get them.

The sheer power that makes up Yakuza is definitely something to be feared by anyone with sense.

But The Crimson Dragon held her ground, and her bequest, as well.

And it paid off.

She received her accolades in a fine demonstration of respect.

In all honesty, the relentless American Mafia wasn't worth fretting over, at least not for your league. However, they too, were in hot pursuit of The Phantom league. Everyone was. Everyone who was anyone wanted to take down the league.

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