[62]: Broken Trust

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Your stomach sank to the floor the moment you made eye-contact with his conniving, sneaky little face

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Your stomach sank to the floor the moment you made eye-contact with his conniving, sneaky little face.

Firstly, you were surprised.


Had he beaten you to the lead? Why was he here?

His cold, emotionless glare was enough to draw goosebumps all over your body. His eyebrows sat low, demonstrating a sort of power that you didn't expect in this moment.

Your mouth was dry with anger.

How could he get away with what he had done?

You wanted to cry. You wanted to scream and run for the dark hills and curl up under a bush and wait for death to come pick you up.

But the real question was: how could he have possibly been ignorant enough to expect that you wouldn't figure out his game eventually?

And where were the others, since he was here?

You had so many questions, but in the intensity of the stare-down, you only could muster up one.

"What the fuck are you doing here?" you kept your gun aimed at him.

"Whoa," he remained calm, staring at you flatly. "No need for such brutality, Bunny. We're teammates, remember?"

"Don't you fucking call me that," you snapped, maintaining your dominant stance, coming off harshly. "We're not teammates any more."

He chuckled lowly, "Like that was ever your choice."

"Hey, FUCK you!" you shouted, losing your composure quickly. "Stand up."

You weren't quite sure why he had gotten so far under your skin in this moment. It was probably because you were thrown off by all the mixed signals, and didn't know who to trust.

You had nothing to rely on, except yourself.

And even your brain seemed to be betraying you.

You were starting to feel a little insane.

As you felt the beads of sweat on your face, you realised that you couldn't remember the last time you had allowed yourself to become so extremely distraught about something.

It was embarrassing.

But here you were: screaming at Jungkook like your life depended on it.

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