[61]: Runaway

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Your legs barely carried you through the door

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Your legs barely carried you through the door.

Your stamina had depleted rapidly, by the time you made it home.

In hindsight, it wasn't a very long trip. However, the duration of the in-between traveling such as the long bus ride, and the trip on your motorbike back to your building—had taken a large toll on your body.

Stepping inside to your musty apartment was both relieving, and exhausting.

The air was still. Lifeless.

No one had been here in weeks.

You couldn't help but drag your feet as you walked to the kitchen, quick to take off your bag and your many layers.

As you strip your jacket off, you take a moment to hold it in your hands.

Jungkook's signature leather jacket.

Staring down at it with an obvious frown, your mind floods with memories. You couldn't resist the overbearing urge to bring it up to your face, breathing in a huge breath and smelling the inside.

It smelled just like him.

Citrus, cigarettes, and Dior Sauvage.

Your brows furrowed and your eyes closed.


You hated how much this hurt.

But, you had definitely been through worse.

You had gotten very used to turning your pain into gasoline and using it to fuel the fire inside you.

So, then, you toss the leather jacket onto one of your bar stools, not even giving it a second look.

Forget it...

You take a deep breath, stomaching your pain. Then, you look down to find your white singlet to be stained with blood on the left side.

Your shoulder had started bleeding again.

Namjoon had done a fantastic job with the stitches, but your heavy activity from the previous night had put a lot of strain on your wounds.

You sighed loudly, finding a tightness in your chest.

Your shoulders sag as you mope through the silent apartment and trod to your bedroom's ensuite.

You were quick to help yourself to a steaming hot shower, as fast as your body would take you. And after the long, relaxing shower was over with, you took a moment to rest on the edge of your bed.

You laid on your back, staring at the ceiling. Your blinks were slow and heavy, your breaths strained with pure burnout.

You had a lot to do.

But, it wasn't very long until you fell victim to exhaustion, and your body slipped off into an accidental slumber.


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