[64]: Lies

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A short while ago, Jimin and Taehyung had made the group some food to reenergise

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A short while ago, Jimin and Taehyung had made the group some food to reenergise.

Chicken and rice.

You hadn't touched it, though.

You were way too fixated on the person sat beside you, to be concerned about fuelling your hunger. The fact that you weren't still dreaming, was beyond baffling to you.

For ten minutes, you and the group had been slowly composing yourselves after the very heavy moment you all just shared.

Taehyung was especially embarrassed about shedding his tears.

But most of them were so relieved to see they had finally brought you and your brother back together.

For them to see that you had already rekindled your previous chemistry with each other, was completely alleviating.

Jin had moved back, to give you some more room to lay down, as sitting up and moving so abruptly had caused some serious pain in your abdomen.

"I'll set up another Morphine drip for you to ease that pain off a little, but you can't be moving around." Namjoon followed a wire coming from your inner elbow. "I can't even express how lucky you are that the bullet didn't puncture anything major, after it went right through your stomach."

Him mentioning the gunshot wound had immediately made you aware of how much it was hurting.

But, there was no time to dwell on a simple mortal flesh-wound.


"Jin." you turned away from Dr. Namjoon, towards your brother. "You have some serious explaining to do."

"I know, I know." he nod his head in tune. "I think it's time that you hear the truth. You're old enough. Smart enough."


You bit your lip and squinted at him, as if there was no one else in the room. Jin had your full, undivided attention in that moment.

Jin clasped his hands together. "How about we start with something easy: questions. I know you have them, so hit me with your best ones."

Although you were taken aback by that statement, it didn't take you long at all to conjure your first question.

"Alright. How do you know these boys?"

Obviously, you were referring to the six others standing soundlessly around the bed. The boys that had way more secrets then they liked to let on.

Secrets that they had managed to keep hidden from you, even after living with you.

That meant that they must have been worth keeping.

To some extent, at least.

Jin spared a relaxed glance around the room of eager faces, pushing his back against his chair to stretch out his front.

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