[03]: Associates

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"Hello, my darling," she whispered, "I got word that your orders with Sohn were carried through successfully?"

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"Hello, my darling," she whispered, "I got word that your orders with Sohn were carried through successfully?"

Your eyes expressed your emptiness as they scanned over the city.

"Of course."

Over the line, her voice was as sharp and as cat-like as ever. She almost purred every word with such expertise, that it made you wonder if that was what had gotten her into such a high position. 

"Great," she orated with a new tone of which suggested that she had finally been put at ease. "You always carry through."

Sighing, you silently pressed your lips into a fine line as you allowed her to do the rest of the talking.

Your boss didn't call you at two in the morning to pussyfoot around. She always had an intention.

And finally, after she gathered her thoughts in blissful silence, she scraped together what you could only interpret as your next order.

"Tomorrow. 4PM. I need you to accompany me somewhere."

"Where?" you asked.

"I've been summoned to meet a potential new associate, but it isn't a regular induction. And as always, I need you by my side. This man claims to have a business offer that I won't be able to pass up, and must be present for." she continued talking, clearly not picking up on your tone. "So, we'll see. But, if it's a time-waster, i'm sure you can imagine what kind of measures need to be taken. You know how we handle these things."

That's it. That's your order.

Kill him if he pisses her off.

Plain and simple.

And, amongst all the talking, there was just one word that made your ears prick up as she spoke about the target.

One that was shocking enough for you to immediately vocalise your concerns, despite the fact that you didn't like questioning her.

"A man?"

She hummed upwards in inquiry.

"You said a man."

"This time, yes."

If there is one thing that your boss stands for-it's the extinction of men.

She hates men.

And, it's her pride and joy that she can claim that she got to where she is and has such a powerful position, without the help of a single male.

She'd been hurt by men. Stepped on, walked over, and abused by men. Her inner demons, ruled by revenge, are what control her loud notions.

Now, her livelihood and lifelong passion is letting it be known that women do not need men for anything.

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