[19]: The Bite

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Three months had passed since this job first began

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Three months had passed since this job first began.

Three months had passed since anything new had happened. Since any progress or any sort  of petty advancements were made.

It was becoming so aggravating, that you couldn't find anything.

Nothing of importance, at least.

Scrubbing floors, cleaning toilets, making beds.

No leads, no new information, no show-stopping discoveries and not even a hint as to what you and Jungkook had actually been searching for.


Absolutely nothing.

"I just don't know why she's kept me on this job," you complained, resting your arms around your coffee mug, looking across at Jungkook. "She's got people better suited to this shit. She needs me in action. This is a waste."

He looked at you warmly.

"Nobody knows how much talent you have, better than she does." he said calmly, leaning back in his chair, exposing his chest. "Just have patience, i'm sure she's got a plan."

You found it hard to ignore when Jungkook put his arms behind his head for a stretch, the black shirt he wore pulled taunt against the ridges of his muscular chest and shoulders.

You forced yourself to look away.

You continued sipping your coffee and staring at the incredibly unsatisfying pink-beige wall.

"This whole thing is about patience."

You gulped. Totally normal.

"Pulling a trigger doesn't take much talent." you said clearly, while glaring, "Anyone could do this shit."

"You don't actually believe that, do you?"

Do you?

Do you really believe that any normal person could have done what you did, in the last decade of slaving for the league?

Hell no.

For a long moment, Jungkook just looked at you. Then, after the pause, he tucked a strand of his long, jet-black hair behind his ear.

"You're right, it doesn't take a lot of talent to pull a trigger," he offered his palms out, sparingly. He kept his voice low. "But to have the skill to track invisible people for weeks on end, to know the perfect moment for a kill every-fucking-time, and to have gun-accuracy anything like yours...To have the unexplained intuition that you do, to be able to travel completely undetected, to be completely anonymous, in a world lead by reputation."

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