[68]: Justice

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He approached you slowly

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He approached you slowly.

You maintained the type of eye-contact that could very well make you wet your pants, if not for the fact that you had managed worse.

He held the tip of his sword up to your throat, elevating your chin slightly, dominion zapping through the blade and into you.

You kept your head still, but slowly manoeuvred your body beneath the threatening blade to move the freshly deceased man out from underneath you. Very slowly, you pushed him to the side, balancing on your knees.


You couldn't take your eyes off his. That's where the connection was: in your eye-contact.

This was it.

Months of work had led up to this moment. This is what you had been working restlessly towards. This was the end of the road, and it was starting to deform like a mirage on a summers day.

All the pain, loss and suffering that you and the others on your team had to endure over all this time—was all because of this man before you.

The man who you had once been scared of. Ran from.

The man who you thought you could bring to relentless misery.

But, at this very moment in time, the unfortunate way that it turned out was that he had the drop on you.

Your teeth were clenched, making your jaw ache in solace. Your skin pulls tight as the tip of the sharp blade against your throat sends a dark shiver down your spine.

So close.

Death was smiling at you.

"You're naive, child." he said with the same deep, booming voice from when you first spoke. "You went ahead and brought my target right to me."

You blinked, eyes of fury burning right through the air that parted you and your antagonist.

"What makes you think this is over?" you seethed through a rigid jaw. "You think you have this all figured out? Maybe i'm the one that has caught you."'

You thought of Hyunjin, and forced yourself to smile.

He scoffed.

"You are strong, Kim Y/N. I've followed you, and i've seen it." Hansol said, his wide stance showcasing his authority and power. "But i'll break you, because I am beyond your petty strength."

He knows your name.

Dammit all, what to do?

Your eyes darted left and right, looking for any kind of opening. Anything at all.

"As if you thought this would end any other way." he said.

You looked back up at him. He stood tall over you.

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