[30]: Interlinked

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"Okay. We didn't get as many answers as we hoped for," Namjoon spoke with both hands out sparingly, as if his main job was to convince the gang that it would all work out. "But that's what all this is about, right. We're in this for a reason."

He looked around to the group of listeners, hoping nobody was feeling too uninspired.

"I still have this," he said, pulling out his phone. He turned it around and waved it in front of everyone, displaying a birds-eye-view image of what looked to be a warehouse.

"We could check this out. It was a tip I got."

Is this what working in a team is about?

Everyone just getting handed their answers?

To be honest, it was all starting to piss you off. You hated having to report everything back to so many people. The idea of not being able to make your own decisions, and being around boys who have every right not to mind their own business and leave you alone—was all just starting to push your buttons.

You weren't used to it. It was like torture, training your mind to withstand it.


You looked up at Namjoon.

"You go check it out. Take someone with you, see if it's anything worth investigating further."

Oh, so he's the boss of me, now?

You looked around the circle of eager faces. There was no shortage of boys to chose from.

This isn't cool.

"I'll go."

Jungkook stepped forward.

An almost awkward silence followed, before Namjoon moved on, turning to Hoseok and Taehyung.

"Badger, Redstone. New target," he showed them a photo of a man you couldn't identify, as well. "You take your car, and follow him. Let us know if he's someone we should be cautious of."

You trained your attention in.

Who was he?

And, after all this time spent doing nothing, how does Namjoon have all these leads? There was at least three. And he knows no more than you and the others, right?

The group splits into three, and everyone starts to move off, to carry out the mission for the day. Finally, you all had something to really start with.

Some clues.

It was putting up with partners that seemed to be your biggest challenge, so far.


You were so glad you had all taken separate cars to the bar, in the first place. That way, you didn't have to listen to everyone talk about how little information you had managed to get, and discussed what little you could do with it.

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