[01]: The Witching Hour

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Looking back, there was no other way

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Looking back, there was no other way.

While I thought carefully over my options from a new perspective, in a new time, I realised the unfortunate truth was that I could not have possibly done anything to avoid what had happened. 

It had to happen this way.

Inevitability is a type of fate. It is something that simply cannot be outrun, nor changed.

There is no stopping fate.

So, did that make this, my fate?

Any which way that this night could have possibly gone, the missions always resulted in an armed conflict.




And so—with all alternatives accounted for—the mission was put into action. I carried through with my orders, like I always had.

Perfectly obedient.

And loyal.

The lapdog.

The large hall was lit only by the streetlights outside that shone through the hollowed windows, and reflected ricocheted shards of glass lying on the floor of the warehouse.

The ground was wooden, but not nearly as mighty as normal wood that makes up a family home. This wood was old, deformed and weak.

Much like our target was.

The opposing team met failure, after a swift struggle with my team that had lasted an entire eight minutes.

My team used fists against the others' knives.

We were stronger. Trained better.


I barely moved. One man was incapacitated by me, but my feet didn't even change position in that interaction.

The two women that were working for me on this particular heist, had hounded after one man, that I had been tracking down for a handful of days.

Those two girls were like ravenous hyenas, after a dainty rabbit. They chased and cornered him, moments before overpowering him and showcasing their supremacy.

The others already took care of the two men who were with my target. But what happened to them didn't matter to me, because my sights were set on the one in front of me.

The one who had been running his own team, playing by his own rules.

And everyone around me knew the problem with that.

In this world, our world, you don't play by your own rules.

It's a hierarchical-driven realm, different from any other world that the regulars live amongst.

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