Chapter 61 - So, What's Next?

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Sonic surveyed the surrounding area, making sure that the coast was clear of any threat. Despite the constant exertion of energy potentially immobilizing, or completely destroying, any sort of android in the vicinity, Sonic was still admant on making sure that him and his friends were one hundred percent safe. Confirming that the city had been wiped clean from top to bottom, Sonic and the rest of the Alliance could now focus on what big task was next on their list.

"Everything all good?" wondered Amy after watching Sonic zip back and forth across the city as he usually does.

"Yup. City's all clean."

"Now we have to plan out our next course of action." said Knuckles, reminding everyone that the war isn't technically over yet.

"Oh yes yes, there's still a crap ton of robots to take care of out there." Sonic agreed with the red echidna, showing his eagerness in spades. "Just because Infinite has been vanquished, doesn't quite mean that we're finished just yet."

"Yeah, Eggman, Metal Sonic, that...platypus, whatever his name is, have run off somehwere too!" said Silver in a raucous tone, Blaze immediately resting her hand his shoulder to ease his tension. Silver took the incentive and calmed himself down, giving a gentle head nod toward his feline friend.

"I have to agree with Silver." said Blaze. "Not only are we unaware of their whereabouts, we also have no way of knowing what they're up to. They could be gathering an army on a scale unlike anything we've ever seen, so we need to find them, and quick."

"I think we should all split up again." suggested Shadow as he sat upon a large piece of rubble. "Me, Sonic, Silver and Blaze go after Eggman while the rest go out and clean the streets."

"Shadow...I literally just stated that his location is unknown at this point." Blaze brashly interrupted while frustratingly pinching the fur between her eyes, unaware that Shadow was still in the middle of his speech.

"Please let me finish." sighed Shadow.

Blaze instantly regretted the way she completely cut Shadow off, right when he was about to get to his main point.

"You're right, I apologise." she said with her head hung down, her closed eyes pointing down at the ground. "I need to quit allowing my patience to slip so easily."

"It's cool, you are improving after all. Remember the way you were when we first met?" Shadow tried his best to hide a smirk when he began recollecting some of his oldest memories of Blaze. This was humorous to Shadow because he knew that Blaze always felt embarrassed whenever anyone would bring up the topic.

"Aw man, I had such a short fuse back then." she groaned in humiliation, burying her face in her hands which had muffled her words. Shadow was on the verge of laughter at this point, but alas, he held it together and prevented a seldomly seen display of emotion.

"Hey guys, could we like, get back on track here?" said Tails, not taking the change of subject too lightly, especially regarding the stakes.

"Yeah yeah, my bad." said Shadow as he patted his chest tuft. "Anyway, what I was going to say is that Tails can tag along with us. That way we'll have a much easier job in tracking down Eggman and his goons."

"Yeah, that is true." agreed Tails. "We do have the Chaos Emeralds at our side--"

"But no Master Emerald!" interrupted Knuckles.

"R-right, no Master Emerald. Not only that, but the Chaos Emeralds have been completely drained of their energy, and they'll the Master Emerald's power in order to get charged up again."

"Are you insinuating that we'll just have to go on some sort of scavenger hunt to find Eggman?" groaned Rouge.

Tails struggled to deliver the news, very well knowing that it'll disappoint the rest of the Alliance. His head and ears flopped down prior to his delivery of said message.

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