Chapter 78 - It's All Over...

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As Sonic and his team were busy finishing off Eggman, the intense fighting over at Metropolis perpetuated. The Alliance were at their breaking point. Anyone who didn't already suffer a cold, hard death at the hands of those bloodthirsty androids were so fatigued that a casualty was a bound to happen at any given moment. They just wanted the fighting to finally end but alas, an ending seemed to be out of plausibility.

"How much...more...are there?" Amy panted, whose hammer attacks from calculated to wobbly and unfocused.

"Still far too many for my eyes to count!" Even Knuckles could hardly stand on his own two feet as he helplessly fended off his attackers.

"I'll try and contact Zero to see how he's holding up with his team. Watch over me."

Knuckles groaned in reaction to Amy's request but still, he obliged. Meanwhile, Amy snuck off to a somewhat safer area that was hopefully suitable enough for her to contact the others. The moment Zero's side of the line became audible, sounds of pain induced screaming roared out her talkie. As if she didn't hear enough of that as it is.

"Zero?! Is everything alright?"

"Hah--Amy why are you--" the way he  struggled to speak due to his agonized groaning indicated that he had most likely just taken a lethal amount of damage. "Don't--ack--worry about me! I'm--"

All of a sudden, Zero's line was cut short spontaneously, further worrying Amy.

"Zero? Zero?! Come in! Co--"

Just then, an android swooped in and nearly killed Amy with an aggressive swing of its blade. Amy was fortunate enough to detect the attack right on time, allowing her to evade the potentially fatal blow and sweep the android off of its feet. As it lied helplessly on the ground, Amy smashed its head in with her hammer. But of course, that android was far from alone and within mere seconds, Amy was once again surrounded. Except this time, Knuckles wasn't there to provide her some assistance. Nobody was.

"Well then...looks like I'll just have to get creative." She snickered as she grasped her hammer firmly.

She then held it outward in preparation for a possibly devastating spinning attack when out of nowhere, a blue tornado wiped them all out in a flash. Initially, Amy had felt baffled by this spontaneous, inexplicable attack but she quickly caught onto the circumstances. She knew exactly what had just happened and more importantly, who caused it to happen. As the androids rained down around her like giant, metallic hail, Amy just stood there with a smug look on her face, fists placed firmly against her hips. The savior then came to a screeching halt directly in front of the rescuee.

"I suppose you didn't need my help?" He chuckled.

"Oh, Sonic, stealing my thunder as per usual." Amy sighed, keeping that same smug look planted onto her face. "Anyway, we don't have time to sit around and chat! We gotta--wait..."

"Now, I know what you're going to ask:" Sonic then began mocking Amy with an exaggerated effeminate tone and posture. "'Oh, Sonic! Did you defeat Eggman and pretty much put an end to this miserable war?' Let's just can thank me and the others later. But for now..." Sonic then held out his hand, enticing Amy to latch onto it so she and her lover could eliminate the oncoming androids together. "...we need to take care of these guys. Then this war will truly be over."

"Then let's do it...together."

"Like we should have from the very beginning."

"Hey, are you two gonna actually do something or are you going to get all mushy in front of us?" Silver taunted as he and Blaze flew near them.

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