Chapter 76 - Tails Takes on Starline

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Super sorry that I haven't updated this in a while. I got a little burned out and wanted to take a short break from writing.

Tails, along with the others who didn't possess the necessary powers to take on Eggman's powerful machine, fled the scene for safety. All alone, they ran on foot through a barren desert, one that didn't seem to contain anything worth noting. Just...emptiness in its purest form. Tails questioned himself on whether or not he should've stayed put and gave Sonic and the others some assistance, but he just simply couldn't disobey him like that. He soon realized that Sonics decision was for the best.

Without breaking stride, they ran through the vast desert for what felt like hours, with nothing but the dry, sandy landscape in their view. That was until they came across a suspicious looking facility. Obviously, Tails and the others showed immediate signs of interest and curiosity.

"Uhm, I dunno about you guys but I think could be--" observed Cream, theorizing the possibility that the base belonged to a certain someone.

"Eggman's base? No doubt about it." Tails expedited Creams prediction.

"Well, why don't we have a look inside?" said Big, who surprisingly felt less hesitant than the others.

"Easier said than done." Tails scoffed. "If we're going to infiltrate this facility than we need to be smart about it. So uh, sorry Big, but I'm afraid I'm gonna have to request you sit this one out. No hard feelings, eh?"

"Oh, ok!" Tails' vague insult took a few moments for Big to fully process. "Hey! What's the big idea?"

"O-o-oh, don't you worry, Big!" Tails stuttered as he slowly backed away from Big. "I got...another task planned for you!"

"Hmmph! Well it better be something worth my time." Big crossed his arms and sighed, akin to an angry teenage girl.

"Heh. Anyway, I suppose that you, the Chao's and Vanilla could remain here and keep watch while Cream and I break inside. Now does that sound like a plan?"

Big gave another sigh and uncrossed his arms. A smile formed soon after. "I guess so. As long as Mrs. Vanilla is alright with it."

"I don't mind." Vanilla concurred.

"Alright, so it's settled then? And don't worry, Vanilla, Cream and I will look out for each other." Tails reassured the motherly rabbit, forcing her fearful frown to morph into a more content grin.

"Alright, Cream, let's get going."

As Tails and Cream made their way toward the mysterious base, it became more and more clear that it belonged to their infamous arch nemesis. What was once a theory was now a certainty following their successful entry into the facility. The first thing they noticed upon entering was an immediate attention grabber; a multitude of androids lined up with portals all surrounding them. This would be terrifying to the average person but to Tails, it was intriguing.

"Is this how the Empire was able to deploy so many androids in such a short amount of time?" Tails whispered curiously.

"I can't see any other reasonable possibility." said Cream.

"If we manage to destroy whatever's creating these portals, we have a chance to cut a good portion of Eggman's forces. D-do you understand how...significant of a discovery we have just made?"

"I do. You're thinking what I'm thinking aren't you?" The two exchanged smirks and began heading toward the nearest doorway.

Unbeknownst to Tails and Cream, an android spotted their presence and immediately went to go warn Starline.

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