Chapter 20 - Westopolis (Part Two)

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Fortunately, Shadow and his squad, Team Dark, agreed to join forces with the Alliance as they dealt with Eggman's rising empire. But unfortunately, they had big issues at hand at the moment, as a huge army of androids were raiding Team Dark's hometown of Westopolis. Team Dark, along with Knuckles, Cream and Big jumped outside to help the defenseless citizens downtown against the empire's army and prevent any further casualties.

"Cream! Tiny blue thing! Big!" called out Shadow, "you three try and gather survivors and guide them to safety!"

"But I can fight!" complained Cream who was feeling too eager and wanted to fight alongside Shadow and the others.

"I'm sorry, but you're too young." replied Shadow.


"Do not disobey me!" snapped Shadow, "If you could complete this one task for me, then you would gain my trust and respect. Then, you could fight alongside us. But for now, get the civilians to safety. We're counting on you guys."

"Alright, Mr. Shadow." replied Cream visibly disappointed but nonetheless willing to obey Shadow's orders.

"As for me, Rouge, Knux and Omega, we'll do all of the dirty work. You guys ready? Let's head out there and rip these bastardized machines apart!"

Everyone headed towards downtown where the majority of the mechanized infestation was taking place, and where it was growing at an alarmingly rapid rate. Westopolis had a large population just like any of the cities the Alliance were fighting at, but the difference was the much larger population density and much smaller geographical size. So the androids could gather more victims in a much shorter amount of time.

Shadow and the gang had a lot to do if they were going to help his hometown fight off the vicious invasion. Even for Shadow, this attack could prove too much for him to handle, but nonetheless, him and the Alliance had to fight like hell to ensure the planet's survival.

Shadow collided headfirst into a trio of androids, knocking each of them over and destroying them. Shadow then jumped into a crowd where he was surrounded and began to fight and destroy any android that attempted to attack him. The androids proved to be no match against Shadow's quick attacks and parries and were easily defeated.

Knuckles used his brute strength to plow through several groups of androids at once. A single punch from his monstrous fists could decapitate a tanker's head clean off, like a bullet through a glass pane. Despite the injuries he had faced at Angel Island, and how they were still healing, Knuckles had no problem with beating the living hell out of any robot he came across that wasn't Omega.

And as for Omega, his heavy artillery and marksmanship skills made taking out his many targets no chore at all. Matter of fact, he was having the least amount of trouble in fending off androids compared to his three comrades. Missiles, gatling guns, incredible physical strength, Omega had many weapons in his arsenal to use against Eggman's Empire.

Rouge patrolled the skies above the battlefield, taking out any of the flying androids that were destroying buildings and killing the civilians who were on the higher floors in said buildings. Rouge could not only fly fast, but she can attack just as fast as well. She was swift, strong, and could easily switch the direction she was flying in so she could destroy several androids quickly.

"This isn't as hard as I thought it was going to be!" laughed Knuckles who almost pitied the machines he was beating on.

"Don't get cocky just yet, Knux" said Rouge who slammed two androids on the ground right beside Knuckles, "there's going to be more of them. Lots more, so you'd better be prepared."

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