Chapter 10 - The Siege of Floral Village

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The fighting seemed to go on for several weeks. The huge wave of androids seemed almost endless, it was truly the Alliance's greatest challenge to date. But despite the adversity, the Alliance were able to fight their way through the streets of Central City, destroying many threatening androids and saving countless lives in the process. But if only they knew that this was only just the beginning.

Not only were there still thousands of androids in Central City, many of them went rogue and began pouring into the city's nearby villages while the Alliance was distracted with fighting downtown, one of which included Floral Village, home of aspiring Alliance member and close friend of theirs, Cream the Rabbit.

Many of the farms that the city depended on for their crops were burnt to the ground and none of the farmers were spared either. They all had to fend for themselves without any powerful weaponry that can combat these androids.

Vanilla the Rabbit, mother of Cream, noticed around 40 or so androids pour into her tiny village all at once, killing her beloved neighbours and razing everything in their sight. Vanilla, obviously feeling worried for her young daughter, started to grab all of the furniture in the house and began propping them against the doors and windows throughout the house, desperately hoping that it will keep them out.

"Okay Cream, now's your chance to escape!" said Vanilla as she was pushing the coffee table against the front door, "You're going to run out the back door and find help."

"But mother, I can fight them!"  exclaimed Cream.

"Listen Cream," said Vanilla as she put her hand on her daughter's shoulder, "I know that you have done some amazing things in the past and that you show an incredible amount of potential, but I cannot risk losing the life of my only child."

"Aw come on mother," replied Cream with clear dissapointment, "I've got my loyal companion Cheese with me. We can tear these pieces of sheet metal apart together."

"Cream...try to understand, these robots aren't like anything we've ever seem before. Trust me, they're too much for any of us to handle. So please, go seek help. I love you too much to see you get hurt."

"What about you mother?"

"I'm going to try and keep them away from you as you try and find some help." 

"No, wait, you can go. I'll keep 'em distracted. I can totally fend off these robots, you just gotta believe me!"

At that moment, the androids approached Vanilla's house and a saboteur's blade struck through all of the furniture blocking the door, almost hitting Vanilla.

"Oh no, they're coming!" said Vanilla as she began pushing the furniture against the door as it was about to be broken down, "Now Cream, go!" Vanilla then started to sob lightly. "I love you so much. Please."

"I'm sorry mother," said Cream with her head down before picking it right back up, "you can punish me all you want for this later, but I cannot have my mother or anymore of the neighbours die as I simply run away. Let's face it, the only one who can save this village right now is me."

Vanilla sighed happily seeing the huge amount of bravery Cream was showing, "I've always loved your eagerness and bravery. No wonder why Sonic and Amy see so much potential in you."

She moved out of the way and Cream, Cheese and Chocola got ready for whatever came their way while Vanilla cowered behind her daughter.

The two had an unconditional love for each other and always protected each other no matter the circumstances. It should go without saying considering they're mother and daughter, but these two are almost inseparable, always putting the safety and happiness of them above anything else. Even in times of war, the two would never hesitate to take a bullet to protect each other.

All at once, roughly 15 androids broke into Vanilla's house. Cream, while undoubtedly nervous, was more than ready to take them on to protect her mother.

"Cheese! Chocola! Attack!" The two Chao's quickly strike the androids, flying straight through their thick armor and destroying about 2 each. The two Chao's were outside as the androids split up to take on the Chao's and Cream simultaneously.

A saboteur lunged forward and slammed its sword into the ground, Cream leaped up to avoid the attack and performed a dropkick on it, which sepearted the arm from the rest of the body. Cream ripped the bladed arm out of the ground and just as anyone else would, she used it as a weapon.

An infantry unit opened fire on Cream, but she was able to luckily parry the attack with the blade she had stolen, which surprised her. Cream lunged forward and stabbed the infantry unit through its abdomen, followed up with jumping on and off the blade and grabbing another saboteur midair by the head and slamming it down on the ground before rolling on top of its back and tearing out its power supply which was very similar to a Mobian's brain.

Cream then uses the power supply to stuff inside the mouth of an android, which sends an extreme amount of electric bolts throughout its body, frying it due to the massive overload of energy. Cream then grabs the blade that was stuck inside of the infantry unit's abdomen and rips it out and stabs another infantry unit behind her, destroying the both of them.

Cream appraoches her mother after defeating each of the androids that attacked her, "You good mother?"

"Yes," replied Vanilla, "all thanks to you!" She jumps up and quickly gives Cream a huge hug.

"Aw mother. Wait..." Cream hears Cheese and Chocola screaming in the background and slowly pushes Vanilla off of her. "Cheese and Chocola need my help. I'll be right back." Cream hugs her mother again and she departs to help her two pet Chao in battle.

When she goes outside, she sees the two Chao trapped in the clutches of a tanker unit, a huge, beast-like android that stood about 12 and a half feet tall and was built to be much stronger than any of the other unit types. They not only weilded brute strength, but they could also have tentacle-like spears come out of their shoulders in order to capture their victims from as many as 75 feet away.

The tanker's spears were fired towards Cream. She concentrated closely on the speed and size of the tentacles as well as how many there were in order to calculate and perform the perfect maneuver to swiftly avoid the attack.

And she did just that, she ducked and dipped away from the spears that rapidly appraoched her before flying up to the tanker's hand and using her strength to pry open its clenched fist and free her two Chao.

The two Chao then flew through the tanker several times, causing a lot of damage to the tanker who was forced to fall to its knees. Seeing its vulnerability, Cream seized the opportunity to fly straight down and perform a diving kick into the tanker's head, destroying it and saving her neighbourhood.

Vanilla ran out to celebrate Cream's victory with her, "Cream! That was incredible! You too, Cheese and Chocola! Stellar job you two!"

The Chao cheered in a celebratory manner, and so did the neighbours who came pouring out of their houses to hoist Cream, Cheese and Chocola in the air to celebrate their accomplishments in battle.

Cream was set down after a minute or two, "Aw, thanks you guys." said Cream who felt flattered.

Afterwards, Cream noticed an Alliance soldier running towards them. Everybody in the village wondered and feared that Central City was also under attack.

The soldier was panting heavily by the time he had gotten to Cream, "" he was so out of breath that he couldn't finish the sentence.

"Under attack?" asked Vanilla who now knew that Mobius was in the midst of yet another war.

"Yes." replied the soldier. "And we need your two's help. If we don't get as much help as possible, the city will be overru--"

Just before he was going to finish the sentence, a tanker's spear struck him through the back and pulled him towards the tanker.

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