Chapter 21 - Empire City (Part Two)

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The Arachnomech posed a huge threat to Empire City, as well as Tangle and Whisper. The huge, eight legged mechanical beast stomped its way throughout the city, crushing hundreds of helpless buildings, and helpless people as well. The gargantuan android stood at a mighty 75 feet tall, with a legspan of about 45 feet. With the height and legspan, as well as the entire body being made of pure metal, made the Arachnomech much harder to handle compared to other units, including the colossal tankers.

Tangle ran straight for the Arachnomech, while Whisper lagged behind to try and assume a more defensive position. Her Wisps were strong, but not nearly enough to destroy a whole Arachnomech. Her and Tangle would have to combine their skills in order to destroy the beast before it causes any further destruction.

"Alright Whisper, my plan may be dumb," said Tangle with striking confidence, "but I know it's gonna work. But I do need your help with it."

"What're you doing?" inquired Whisper.

"Why, I'm gonna make my way up the spider dude's legs and destroy it from the inside." replied Tangle who was slowing down to match Whisper's pace.

"Why do you need my help?"

"'ve got super cool explosives and stuff in ya arsenal right?" replied Tangle as she began running backwards to look at Whisper as she spoke. "I thought I could set some bombs to go off inside of it. You do have bombs, right?"

"Even if that plan was going to work," said Whisper harshly, "we would need to lead it out of the city first. And no, I don't have any bombs on me. I have a Wisp that can explode like one, but other than that, I got nothing."

"Wait, I got it!" shouted Tangle gleefully as a lightbulb went off in her head, "We won't have to use any explosives 'cause I can simply trip it with my tail! Oh, Tangle you're so smart!"

"Did you even listen to what I just sai--"

"No time to chitter chatter, we gotta get going! Watch my back and I'll watch yours."

Whsiper sighed but followed Tangle anyway. She didn't like how Tangle seemingly ignored her, but supposed that Tangle's new plan was somewhat better than what she previously had in mind. The Arachnomech dropped in downtown, several blocks from where Tangle and Whisper were battling prior to its arrival, and after a few minutes of running, they finally came face to face with the huge, cybernetic arachnid.

"Alright Whisper, it's showtime!" said Tangle as she turned to Whisper, "Watch my back, I've got quite a bit of work to do."

Tangle grabbed her tail and ran towards the nearest leg and wrapped her tail around it really tight so it didn't let go. As she was doing this, Whisper was shooting any android that tried to interfere with Tangle's work. Tangle gave Whisper a thumbs up and began to run around the Arachnomech's entire body.

She would have to trek across quite a bit of land if she were to wrap her tail around the entire android. But she was confident in her plan, and she knew that it was going to be executed well and that the Arachnomech would be brought down. And since this is a large, Metropolitan city, she would have to leap across, or through, many buildings, trying hard to not get her tail caught in anything because that can be detrimentally harmful for her.

Whisper ran across buildings as well, keeping a close eye on anything that could possibly bring her harm, whether it be androids or aforementioned debris that would get in her tails way. Luckily, with her marksmanship skills, no android was able to get too close to Tangle. Including a few tankers who were easily taken out thanks to a Cyan laser being fired clean through each of them simultaneously.

Unfortunately, trouble arose when Tangle got her tail stuck under a huge rock that fell from a crumbling building nearby. Tangle let out a loud grunt as a result of debris falling directly on top of her stretched out tail.

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