Chapter 66 - A Homesick Rabbit

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Knuckles and the rest of his Emerald bearing crew were fortunate enough to face only a limited number of Imperial forces upon their entrance into Central City. The remnants that had remained from an earlier battle were all they were tasked with handling, easy stuff. But now came the complicated task; where and how they were going to recharge the Chaos Emeralds whilst finding Vanilla the Rabbits location. Again, the city was pretty barren so resistance was something they didn't have to worry about. But then again, the desertification of the once booming city provided some tedium with their objective.

"Uh, where exactly are we going to find any source of energy here?" Big inquired. "This city is so empty!"

"Don't worry, Big, I'm sure there's something around here somewhere." assured Knuckles as he took a look around the deserted streets.

"Just leave that part to me." asserted Tails, hovering a few feet above the ground and pointing north.

Before Tails could take off, Knuckles brashly grasped him by the ankle, hindering his ability to take flight. He made sure his grip didn't cause any damage to the flesh, but he held on hard enough to prevent Tails from expediting his plans.

"No. My Emeralds, my responsibility. Remember?"

Tails squinted his eyebrows at Knuckles as a result of the echidnas hasty, domineering attitude. The fox felt provoked initially, though he understood why Knuckles had reacted in such a way. Obediently, Tails sat his feet back down on the ground and kindly handed the Emeralds to Knuckles. Clear regret could be seen through Knuckles' body language as his eyes laid solemnly upon the Emeralds as they were handed to him.

"Sorry about that." he apologized, glancing at the gray Emeralds in his cupped hands as he did. 

"It's alright, man. I know how you are with your Emeralds. You've been tasked with guarding them since...I don't know when. I need to remember just how significant they are to you."

Knuckles lifted his head back up and looked onward past the rubble of the city, theorizing possible locations of a suitable energy source. His keen eyesight allowed the treasure hunter to view sights much farther than the average eye, allowing him to pick up a questionable facility that appeared to be roughly a mile away. He grinned proudly as he was now sure that the perfect remedy for his Emeralds had been found. Tails took notice of the way Knuckles was smiling as if he had just won the lottery, his observation of Knuckles' expression had piqued the fox's curiosity.

"Um...Knuckles, what are you looking at?"

"Tails, I am looking at a place that could potentially save my Emeralds." he pointed out the building he was referring to, though he was completely unaware that Tails couldn't see the building in question.

"What...what place? Either way, I'm glad you've been able to find something of worth. I assume you want us to try and find Vanilla as you embark?"

"Yep." Knuckles responded while carefully storing the Emeralds in his pockets.

"Alright, well it looks like we'll be on our way then." Tails raised his fist, enticing Knuckles to share a fist bump with his friend.

"Yes, sir. I'll see ya later." said Knuckles as the two shared a fist bump prior to their departure. "And Cream, I hope you can find your mother."

"Thanks, Mr. Knuckles." Cream said softly.

Knuckles gave the three his best wishes, amiably nodding his head before journeying to the location that was suspected to revitalize the Emeralds. Of course, Knuckles wasn't all that experienced with his current surroundings, but he does vividly remember that particular facility possessing some sort of technological equipment. Only one way to truly confirm his suspicions.

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