Chapter 12 - In Search of the Eggman

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Sonic had been running tirelessly in search of Doctor Eggman for the past day. And by this point, he had thought he made a mistake by leaving his friends behind and being completely unaware of the current circumstances they were facing. But Sonic seemed to be lost in the middle of nowhere, with it being too late to turn back now.

And on top of that, Sonic had begun to grow exhausted for running practically non-stop for almost an entire 24 hours. For the first time in his life, the speedster hedgehog was physically deteriorated to the point where he didn't want to run anymore. But despite all that, he knew that Eggman had to be somewhere, and that he would be planning something huge.

He would run across mountains and plateaus, through forests and deserts and all sorts of terrain and climates that would put a strain on anyone's legs, including the fastest creature on the planet.

After running for about another hour or so, Sonic came across some familiar looking robots and soldiers that were camping out in an isolate canyon.

It was G.U.N.

And they too were on the hunt for the evil doctor and were searching far and wide, feeling the same exhaustion Sonic had felt. Sonic approached them to see if they had better luck than he did in finding Eggman.

"That Eggman had better be around here," said Tyler the Jackal, "I don't think I can tolerate this heat for any longer." 

"Well this is Eggman we're talking about here," said Gadget the Wolf, a general of one of G.U.N.'s largest military divisions, "one of the most wickedly evil men in the world is out there somewhere. And we will not rest until he is found, so suck it up would ya?" said Gadget jokingly, teasing his comrade.

"Fair enough I guess." replied Tyler. "I can only hope that we find him soon amd hopefully put an end to this miserable war and return to our normal lives."

"I hope so too," said Gadget with an optimistic attitude, "it's been such a long time that we could just hang out as friends and not on the front lines. I...dream of a peaceful world as much as the next guy."

"Say, is that Sonic?" said an anonymous G.U.N. soldier pointing towards Sonic in the distance.

"Hey guys, had any luck finding Eggma" asked Sonic.

Gadget turned to Sonic with a heavy, depressing sigh, ", we have had no luck in finding him. Not even a single clue of any sort. What about you? I'm guessing you're answer's the same as mine, eh?"

Sonic heavily sighed and nodded his head, confirming to Gadget that he has found no signs of Eggman's whereabouts either.

Gadget sighed as well and shook his head impatiently, "We have to find him soon or else his Empire is going to completely take over the world. He's already got half of the planet under his control as it is."

Sonic's jaw dropped in total shock, "He...he what? A--already? H--how?"  Sonic's hands began quivering and trembling in fear. Guilt had taken control of his body. He knew this would happen after he decided to spare Eggman's life, and now, he couldn't help but think that this war was all his fault and that it could've easily been avoided.

"Sadly, yes." replied Gadget, "Eggman has built a brand new breed of deadly robots that are far more powerful and far more merciless. And these numbers...there are at least a few thousand of these bastards overrunning several cities all across Mobius. I...I have no idea how. There has to be some sort of magic that we've never seen before, other than that, there's no other explanation. The only reason why I'm not there helping them out is because I was only told about it just about 2 hours ago. And the efforts for our search for Eggman has grown since then."

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