Chapter 14 - Westopolis

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After the Alliance split up following the victorious battle at Central City, Cream, Big and Knuckles were sent to Westopolis, home of Shadow the Hedgehog and his teammates, Rouge the Bat and E-123 Omega, a former robotic mercenary of Eggman's who was mostly treated like a slave during his time with him.

The three were known as Team Dark, a deadly trio who had not only incredible physical attributes on their side, but tenacity, dedication, and a keen focus on getting whatever job they are faced with done. They are what you would call a vigilante, people who take the law into their own hands in order to bring down criminals, feeling that actual law enforcement is too incompetent to do so.

The trust between Team Dark and the Alliance is rather shoddy, same applies to the Eggman Empire. They haven't exactly seen eye to eye with each other, with the Alliance thinking that Shadow is too hostile, some would say downright evil, while Team Dark absolutely despises Eggman, especially Omega. But the Alliance would definitely need his help if they were going to win this war.

Metal Sonic was also going to try and get Team Dark on Eggman's side, making the task for the Alliance much more difficult.

Their chopper touched down about a block away from Team Dark's residence. Omega watched the three as they made their way to negotiate with Shadow. Omega prepared his arm cannons and went to stand in front of the doorway.

"This must be the place," said Knuckles as he gazed upon the rather large house. "Whelp, let's head on inside then."

The three walked inside to a dark living room. All of the lights had been shut off and it seemed as if nobody was home. Immediately after the three went inside, the door slammed shut, causing all three of them to jump in total shock.

"Maybe it was the wind," said Big trying to mask his fear.

"Alright, stay weary everybody, and keep your eyes peeled," warned Knuckles. "Shadow isn't exactly an ally remember? He may want to try and hurt us. I'm gonna go find us a light switch so we can see."

As the three slowly and wearily tip toed throughout the dark house, Cheese noticed a small blinking red light in the corner so she went to investigate it. She studied the area where the light was coming from but thought nothing of it, so she shrugged and turned away.

But just as she did, a huge, cold, metal hand firmly grasped her and was practically strangling the poor Chao as she began to call out for Cream.

"Cheese?!" exclaimed Cream. "Wh--where are you?"

She noticed that Cheese was being held by someone, presumably Shadow, so she went to attack, despite not having the capabilities to take on anyone from Team Dark by herself.

Knuckles was able to activate the light switch to the living room, making Omega's presence clear and visible. Omega stepped out from the corner, while still holding Cheese, and prepared the gattling gun on his right arm. He began firing at the Alliance but was unable to land a shot on any of them as they were able to surprisingly avoid any bullet that came their way.

Big hurled a chair towards Omega but he deflected it away, but it was enough of a distraction to allow Big to tackle Omega, which forced him to let go of Cheese, setting her free from his tight grip. Cheese then kicked Omega in the back of the head, but as she went in for another attack, Omega swatted her at Big.

Cream helped the two up and, along with Knuckles, prepared to attack Omega. Omega used both of his arm cannons to fire at the Alliance but still couldn't hit any of his targets.

Big jumped and flipped over a table to hide behind it. Knuckles and Cream ran along the walls, each on the opposite sides of Omega as he continued to fire at the two. Big lifted up the table and charged at Omega, overwhelming the robot to the point of absolute perplexity.

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