Bonds through time part 5

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The two figures went out of the Jedi temple, soon taking a small ship to get them to the nearest in-town (coruscant) restaurant. 

WHILE ON THE SMALL SHIP (those regular travel ships very commonly seen in clone wars)...

Ezra and Kanan were sitting next to eachother but the Padawan's gaze seemed to be elsewhere, focusing on the big city around him. Again analysing it, it was a habit of the boy that Kanan noticed. But he didnt want to intrude or bother Ezra so he let him make himself as comfortable as possible. 

But then in the distance a ship was going the opposite and wrong way on a completely wrong road....Heading straight to the ship the two Jedi were on. While Kanan looked at the city below, Ezra caught a glimpse of the ship fast approaching, it was just meters away from crashing into them now.

"Kanan !" Ezra screamed force pushing the older man, causing him to fall out of the ship and straight to the ground below. With that Ezra himself also jumped off the ship, now heading down fast. He managed to ease his fall with the force and soon landed firmly on the ground inside the city. The teen looked back at the ship above them, and indeed it was destroyed as small parts were falling around him. Thankfully their driver was a droid.  Letting out a sigh of relief, the boy looked around, trying to find Kanan. He started walking forwards, passing by a lot of people and feeling quite overwhelmed. He began to feel nervous and uncomfortable but despite that kept looking for the older man. With time that feeling became even worse, turning into pure fear. Everything around him was much louder than it was supposed to be, memories flooded his mind, things he didnt want to see. His thoughts were racing as he tried to cover his ears so the all too familiar terifying voice in his head would stop. His mind continued racing, stop! Stop! STOP!

A gentle hand touched his shoulder calling out in a soft voice "Ezra ? Are you alright ??"

The Padawan turned around and saw that it was Kanan standing behind him. His panicked trembling started to ease down but it was still very noticable. The entire time the older man was eyeing him with a concerned face, obviously ready to help him at any moment. After a few seconds the boy looked up at Kanan, taking one deep breath in and out. But he was still trying to calm his trembling body.

The Jedi Knight once again asked Ezra if he was hurt and what happened. 

"Another ship was going the wrong way and was about to crash into us. So I pushed you off as soon as I saw it...I-I didnt have much time to tell you the situation. I'm sorry. Both of the ship had no living beings aside from us on it. I'm sorry for not explaining the situation at the spot." The teen answered unusually extremely focused on looking directly at Kanan, just like the first time they met. It seemed like he was giving a report of somekind. The Man's fears eased but his concern was still high, this must have been a habit of Ezra to talk like that to a "superior" figure. 

 "Its okay, no need to apologise. You did the right thing I mean you saved yourself and me. Well done Padawan" Kanan said cheerfully, praising the boy. And to that the smaller figure seemed to give a suprised expression but soon asked "What about the ship damage...?"

"I'm sure the Security force is already on the case. Though would you like to go back to the temple or still head to the restaurant ?"

The teen was taken a back by the power and choice the older man gave him so he wasnt quite sure what to answer. His mind was still in a bit of a haze because of the immense amount of people around him.

"U-Uh..Can we get to somewhere less crowded first..? "Ezra said and to that Kanan agreed immedietly and started guiding Ezra to the side road where there were obviously less people. As they were walking the older man asked "Are you alright though ? You seemed to be really upset a minute ago" Ezra looked at him for a moment before answering coldly "I struggle with um..anxiety attacks and I do..that... " Kanan didnt say anything at first, he was thinking about how overwhelmed the boy must have felt and after a it he managed to say "If you there is anything I can do to help during those times please let me know". Ezra lookd at him in surpise and then Kanan heard the Padawan say something which made him smile

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