Bonds through time part 3

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This is a video explaining the terms antisocial and asocial !, hope you enjoy the chapter !


"Thank you I shall go meet him now" Kanan said gently, putting on a brave face as he looked towards the Jedi Master in front of him. Seeing the other man's determination, Mace Windu smiled as he gestured Kanan to follow him....

As they were walking towards the common room area, everything was pretty quiet untill the Jedi Master spoke "When Elliott was informed about a new master his mood seemed to have immedietly dropped. Do expect him to refuse to communicate"

Kanan listened to those words carefully as he replied "Yes Master, I shall be careful" But as he was saying that, the same fear from before returned, pushing Kanan's positive thoughts away and replacing them with negative ones. He was beyond nervous...


Before the two Jedi went in the room, Mace Windu turned to Kanan saying "I will take you to him and then leave you two alone for a while. Plus Elliott would probably not like the presance of two Jedi"

Kanan nodded in understanding, he looked towards the closed doors of the common room area. He took a deep breath, trying to calm himself and finally stepped forward, opening the door...

As the two went inside, Kanan saw a lot of Jedi Padawans sitting togather and groups of clones. The area was huge and new to the temple, it had many big tables and chairs. It seemed to be like a hangout/rest area for everyone. He followed Mace Windu as they passed many people sitting around tables. Some Padawans were hanging out togather, while some where alone with their Masters. Upon seeing the sight Kanan relaxed a bit, smiling at the scene. He remembered how attached he was to his Master to the point, he spent all of his breaks with her.

 The two continued walking forward, passing some clones and finally at the far end of the room...there was a much smaller table with only one chair. On the chair alone sat a teenage boy with messy dark blue hair and a weak looking figure. He had eyebags under his eyes and a tired looking expression. The boy wore an undertunic, accompanied by another brown tunic over it with a leather belt and obi around his waist (picture above). On top of everything he wore long Jedi robes that seemed to hang off his body. The bluenette was facing the two Jedi appraching him but his gaze was in an old looking book rather than a tablet. Upon seeing the boy, Kanan could clearly see that the teen was a loner, despite so many people being in the room he refused to sit with anyone else and preffered the company of a book than anything else. The brown haired man's expression softened looking at the teen and having an immediete urge to protect him.

"Elliott" Mace Windu said as Kanan turned to him a bit surprised, he didnt expect for the master to call out at that very moment. The Jedi knight looked over at his Padawan and noticed that instead of looking at Mace Windu, the bluenette was staring at Kanan.

"This is Jedi Knight Kanan Jarrus, he will be your Master from now on"The Master Jedi spoke gently gesturing towards Kanan. With that the brown haired man looked at the teen and smiled softly, trying to reassure him. "..I will leave you two to it then" Mace Windu spoke as he turned around and started walking away....

Soon enough the teen and the older man were left alone, Elliott was still eyeing Kanan, almost as if analysing him, trying to figure out if he was a threat or not. As the older man looked in the teen's eyes he saw something completely different than the bluenette's face showed. Elliott's exression was serious, hostile even but his bright blue eyes were soft, kind and clearly showed confusion and fear. Kanan was about to say something  but the teen's gaze suddenly shifted back to the book, almost as if deciding Kanan wasnt a threat and going back to what he was doing. Kanan felt a bit awkward since it was still silence between them, but suddenly the older man said "May I sit here ?"

Elliott didnt move an inch and just continued reading, without a response. Kanan waited for a few moments since he noticed the teen tense up when he spoke. Then he took a chair from a nearby table and sat across from the boy.

After a few moments Kanan spoke again "As Master Windu already said, Im Kanan Jarrus. Its nice to meet you Elliott"

As soon as the teen heard his name being called he seemed to have trembled a bit and shook his head but continued reading without saying a word. The older man was stll quite nervous but so far it was going alright. As Kanan was thinking a glimpse of what Elliott was reading caught his eye.

"The strange case of Doctor James and Mister Mephistopheles ?" Kanan spoke excitedly " I also borrowed that book from the library when I was younger, it is quite an amazing piece"

And at that moment, for the first time since they were left alone, Elliott looked at Kanan with an excited interest. The older man was astonished by the reaction but then..

" it..too ?" Elliott spoke carefully, still looking at Kanan. The older man was completely taken a back, the bluenette just spoke to him for the very first time. Hearing his voice was so rewarding, it was so gentle.

"Yes I have, when I was about 16 just like you. The title was interesting so i picked it up and read it. It was a great choice, I really enjoyed it." Kanan spoke softly and in a voice that was bit quiter than his usual voice.

The teen was looking at him surpised and from time to time averting his gaze almost as if giving himself a break from the eye contact.

"The librarian recommended it to me.." Elliott spoke coldly looking at the book and then back at Kanan

"Really ? And you already read that much ? Thats very impressive Elliott" The older man responded back seeing that most of the  book has been read, he was beyond happy that the teen was speaking to him. But then suddenly the teen's gaze fell down again and Kanan tensed up, did he say something wrong ? 

But upon reviewing his sentance he noticed that the bluenette reacted the same way whenever his name was used in a sentance. "Would you like me to call you by a different name ?" Kanan asked gently, full of understanding. At that the teen immedietly looked up, astonished at the man's words. He was completely taken a back, staring at the man like he had just seen a ghost. Kanan panicked, thinking he said something wrong "I-Im sorry, I can call you by ur actual name I just thought that-"

"Its surpised me." Elliott spoke looking away "No one really asks about it..and  most people refuse to respect what I'm saying" it was silent for a moment as Kanan tried to figure out what to say next but then the bluenette spoke as Kanan looked at the boy immedietly.

" have a preffered name."

"..Its Ezra"

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