A boy Named Ezra part 37

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Ashoka along with the crew came to the Ghost and to the cockpit.
Hera sat on the pilot chair as Kanan sat in the co pilot chair. Everyone else was standing behind them.
"Where are we supposed to go? Where is the doctor taking Ezra??"Hera said and looked towards Kanan.
"Lothal"Kanan said
"Are you sure?"Hera said as she already started setting the coordinates for Lothal.
"Yes, Ezra's life force was coming from The part close to Lothal"
Hera nodded as she flew up in the air with the ship and shortly after entered Hyperspace.
"We are getting you back Ezra, just stay safe untill we do"Kanan said

Ezra got up from the bunk of the ship. On one eye, everything seemed normal, but on the other... the whole room around him was disturbed. Like someone painted it and then ran across the whole picture with a paint brush again and again.The room was fidgeting, like he was looking at a hologram with a weak signal. And the only colors Ezra could see were purple, blue and black and the whole room was in those colors.
Panic started to rise up inside of Ezra as he blinked a few times, trying to make the disturbed room go away.
His other normal blue eye started changing from blue to purple non stop.
He put a hand over his fully purple eye and looked at the room again with the eye he thought was normal.
He could see the room normally but then it changed to that same purple, blue and black colors then went back to normal again. That was happening non stop.
"I-I...no..what's..what's going on??!"Ezra said
"I didnt expect this"The doctor was heard getting up from the ground.
Ezra looked at him and took a few steps back but then the image changed again. Ezra's eyes widened. Instead of the doctor's figure he saw a black figure in front of him, the figure had no outline of clothes, the body was very thin and scary, and it was colored in only black. Then the figure's(doctor's) head turned around. The eyes were replaced by purple dots looking like holes and the mouth was just a purple line, not showing any emotion.
Ezra backed away from the doctor(the figure as he saw it) and started putting his hands up in defense position.
"Huh? Whats wrong now?"The doctor said, looking at Ezra.
Then he rolled his eyes and started heading to the cockpit.
But then he felt a big wave of force hitting his back as he was force pushed into the wall once again. He looked at Ezra from the floor.
Ezra's face showed terror, like he was looking at a monster. His hands were up, showing that he was the one who force pushed the doctor.
Only then the doctor noticed the purple eye of Ezra's.
His eyes widened.
"This wasnt supposed to happen.."The doctor said
Ezra still was seeing that figure instead of the doctor, when he spoke, the figure's mouth opened to an abnormal extend(like the scream mask). Ezra screamed as he force pushed the doctor again, causing the doctor to faint as Ezra backed away even more.
The ship was starting to land somewhere.
Ezra started walking to the cockpit, as the world around him was still shifting from normal to the disturbed one.
He looked out the front glass. He was on Lothal, but the grass looked as if it was bigger than the ship, fidgeting in a purple and black color.Everything around him would tick a few times per minute. Ezra was truely scared. He didnt know what to do ..except get out of that ship and run.
The world seemed like a living hell to him.
The Ghost exited Hyperspace, and Lothal was in view.
"Is he there?"Sabine asked Kanan
Kanan closed his eyes for a moment but then he saw a purple and black image (like a TV that has a problem with the signal). He opened his eyes and breathed out.
"Kanan you okay?"Zeb asked
"Y-yeah im alright, but...when i tried to locate Ezra, somekind of an image came inside my head, like a broken screen of a TV"Kanan said
"That must be Ezra, we still dont know what happened to him after he gave most of his life force to you.."Ashoka said
"I guess so...i hope he is alright..."Kanan said
"We are landing"Hera said

They landed on the grass fields of Lothal and went to the ramp.

The crew and Ashoka stepped outside the Ghost. It was quiet, the only thing heard was the wind blowing through the grass.
"We need to find the doctor's ship"Hera said
"That wont take long" Sabine said
The crew turned to her and she pointed at the opposite direction. There was the ship, just landed there, about 30-40 meters from them.
"Alright lets go"Kanan said and they all started running to the ship.

They came from the back side of the ship, they went inside. In the ship was the doctor laying on the ground unconscious.
"Where's Ezra??"Kanan said, panic rising inside him

Then a voice was heard a few meters away from the front of the ship.

"N-no! Stay away! Stay away from me!"a child's voice that was full of fear was heard.

"Ezra"Kanan said and everyone came outside and quickly ran towards the front  side of the ship...

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