Insecurities part 7

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Sorry for the shorter chapter than usual and for being gone for some time. It was a rough few weeks.

When the doctor finnished his sentance, silence and shock fell over everyone present. Kanan's mind was racing, he felt his chest tighten, It was getting hard to breathe. His padawan was going to be mute possibly for the rest of his life, he'll never be able to hear the bluenette's voice ever again. He didnt know how to react, what to say to all of it. Truely All he could manage was to just stand there, tears filling his eyes. The rest of the crew wasnt doing any better. Sabine had rushed into Hera's arms, sobbing loudly at the news. Hera herself was holding the younger girl tight, cries escaped her mouth with shaky breaths, not being able to say anything else. Even someone like Zeb who rarely cried now had his hand covering his face, deep quiet sobs were heard from the Lasat with Chopper holding onto his pants tightly almost as if seeking comfort himself.

 The doctor then spoke "The current chances of him being permenantly mute are 98%....I'm so sorry. His vocal cords must have been forcefully squeezed and damaged even further from the impact of the explosion on the escape pod..."

The crew listened but they werent able to say anything back. With a slight nod Hera assured the doctor that they have understood the information. Suddenly Kanan spoke "Can we see him ?"

A small pause was present as the doctor looked away, thinking about the option. But after a few seconds he turned back to Kanan and nodded "Alright, but only Kanan Jarrus"

The crew didnt have the strength to protest and they knew that of all of them Kanan needed to see Ezra the most.  "Thank you" Kanan whispered as he followed the doctor inside the med-bay....


As the Jedi came inside, the first thing he saw was the nurse standing in front of Ezra's bunk. Hearing the footsteps she turned to the two men behind her and with a small sigh moved away so they could approach Ezra.

The moment the woman moved away, horror and fear washed over Kanan upon seeing the sleeping figure. Ezra was laying down on the bunk, white sheets covering his fragile body. He was shirtless with his chest and waist in bandages, there was barely any skin seen. His arms were no better, one had a prostetic wrapped around it, clearly it was broken. While the other was covered with bandages tied up in a neat way. His lower body was still dressed but in white trousers. Kanan noticed a lot of bandages on his legs as well and even a cast. He had some badages on his head too but when Kanan looked closer his heart sunk, he hadnt noticed it before but there were clear squeeze marks on the boy's neck. Someone purposely damaged his vocal cords.

The doctor looked at the Jedi beside him, it was clear he was out of himself. But at that moment Kanan started walking forward as he sat on a chair beside Ezra's bunk. Gently he took the bluenette's hand in his as he lowered his head whispering "I'm here Ezra...everything will be okay..." The jedi's voice became shaky at the end as he continued talking but barely, his voice filling with hurt "...E-everything w-will be okay...." Kanan lowered his head even more, quiet sobs found their way out again as he held the smaller boy's hand...

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