A boy Named Ezra part 39

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Two days passed and Ezra was still laying and sleeping peacefully on the bed. As for Kanan, he didn't leave Ezra's side. Hera would come in to check on them and bring Kanan food. The crew overall were both relived and worried at the same time. They were anxiously waiting for Ezra to wake up.


Kanan was reading a book, taking a glimpse of Ezra every few moments.
Hera, as usual came in to bring Kanan breakfast.
"Hey"Hera said, setting the food tray with some eggs and bread on a table next to Kanan.
"Hey.."Kanan answered, his voice had an element of slowness in it
"Any changes?"Hera asked as she put one of her hands on her hips.
"Not really..but he should be waking up soon..."Kanan said without any confidence.
Hera obviously noticed it "I see.."
"Though if you need anything just call okay?" Hera said with a soft voice
"Yeah...thanks"Kanan answered with a little smile forming on his face.
Hera came closer to Ezra and put her hand on his forehead, checking his temperature. His forehead was a bit warm but normal enough.
Hera pulled her hand away and looked at Kanan.
"Check his temperature every 30 to 60 minutes, just to be safe"Hera said
"Will do"Kanan answered
Hera smiled and left the room.
Kanan turned back to Ezra.
"Come on buddy, everyone's waiting for you"Kanan said in a calming voice
Ezra didn't budge but Kanan could feel a slight change from Ezra but didn't take too much notice of it since his life force is still going back to normal.
Kanan leaned back in his chair and countined reading a book.

2 HOURS LATER....(time 13.15 h)
Kanan was still at Ezra's side, he did as he was told by Hera, checking Ezra's temperature every now and then and so far everything was normal.
Silence was in the room but all the sudden Kanan heard the trushing sound of Ezra's blanket.
Kanan looked up from his book. The book fell to the ground.
"Ezra!"Kanan exclaimed happily
One of Ezra's eyes was open, glowing in that beautiful blue colour.
"How are you feeling?" Kanan asked while supporting Ezra's back so he could sit in a sitting position.
"Im f-feeling..um..I don't know.. weird?"Ezra said with a slight smile on his face
"Are you in any pain? What about your head? Do you have a headache?"Kanan kept asking questions with a mix of excitement and worry in his voice
"My head is alright but..m-my eye.."Ezra said
Kanan then really noticed that Ezra's other eye was not open.
"Can you try to open it?" Kanan asked
Ezra slowly nodded. His other eye(the eye that wasn't opened) started to open slowly, it was visible on Ezra's face that it stung a bit. Finally the eye was opened but showed... something different. His eye was...a purple colour, there was no trace of the once blue eye.
Kanan looked at it very carefully.
"K-kanan whats wrong?" Ezra asked a bit worried.
"Your eye, it's..purple"Kanan said a bit confused
He got up and found a little mirror in the table, he gave it to Ezra and Ezra looked at it. His eye really was a purple color.
"Wow..It's a b-bit..out of place"Ezra said, comparing his two eyes.
Kanan chuckled "Well we should inform the others that you're awake"Kanan said taking his com-link.
"Hey guys, Ezra's awake!"Kanan said through the com-link. Not even 1 second passed and the rest of the crew came rushing in the room.
Sabine's eyes were filled with Joy and Zeb had a relived look on his face, Chopper was turning his head like an owl from the excitement.As soon as she rushed in, Hera ran to Ezra's side and bent down at his height.
"Is everything okay? Does it hurt anywhere? How are you feeling? What happened to your eye, how is your head, do you have a temperature"Hera was saying in a rushed voice filled with worry.
Ezra stayed there a bit shocked but then He smiled and patted Hera on the head.
"I'm okay, Don't worry!"Ezra said in a warm voice, smiling at Hera
Hera gave a little chuckle. The crew noticed Ezra was stuttering a lot less...meaning he was truely feeling safe.
"I'm glad you're okay" Hera said
"Yeah welcome back kid"Zeb said with a smile as Sabine came to Ezra's side and hugged him tightly.
"You idiot! Don't ever scare us like that again!"Sabine said
"I won't I promise..!" Ezra answered back
"Beep-boop-beep-boop(I was deprived off all the attention because of you I even didn't get my oil bath done but welcome back)" Chopper said with a hint of sassiness.
"s-sorryy !"Ezra said
Kanan then came to Ezra and hugged him.
"Welcome back Ez"Kanan said and Ezra hugged him back without hesitation

Because Hera insisted that Ezra rests a little more he was forced to do so for the next 4-5 hours.
Finally when Hera approved, Ezra came out of the room. He took a shower and met up with the crew in the common room.
"It's almost dinnertime Hera"Zeb said
"And?" Hera answered not looking at Zeb
"I bet everyone's hungry"Zeb said
"You mean you're hungry?"Sabine said
"Big difference"Zeb said crossing his arms
Ezra chuckled and sat between Kanan and Hera.
They were chatting for another hour about random things, completely carelessly, like a family.
After a while, Ezra excused himself, saying he will be right back.
Ezra went outside and onto the roof of the Ghost. It was a beautiful night, filled with glowing stars everywhere.
Ezra was looking at the sky, completely in his own thoughts. His train of thought was interrupted by someone else climbing onto the roof of the ghost.
"Figured you would be here"Kanan said "Dinner will be soon and Hera asked me to find you"
"Ah sorryy, I-I didn't realise I was here for that long" Ezra said awkwardly
"It's alright" Kanan said sitting next to Ezra.
There was a moment of silence.
"I have been thinking about wearing an eyepatch of some sort to cover the purple eye.."Ezra said
"Huh? Why?"Kanan asked suprised
"Well..it's..weird..it doesn't l-look natural, even a bit scary.."Ezra answered with a bit of a shaky voice
Kanan smiled and looked up at the sky.
"Nah" Kanan said
Ezra turned towards him as Kanan looked back at smaller boy.
"I think it's beautiful"Kanan said with a smile
Ezra's eyes widened as he blushed a little bit from embaressment.
"T-thanks"Ezra answered
There was another moment of silence untill Ezra spoke
"You know.."Ezra started and Kanan looked at him
"I love the night"Ezra said
Kanan chuckled
"Yeah it's quite enchanting isn't it?" Kanan pointed out
"It reminds me of my life so far..I was in darkness all along but there are people who shine like stars, who make me feel accepted and important.."Ezra continued
"Kanan do you see those 5 stars over there, that shine the brightest?"Ezra asked
Kanan looked at the sky and saw them.
"Yeah I see them" Kanan answered.
" Those stars are you and the crew, u guys make me feel like a full person again, just like my parents did.."Ezra said
Then Kanan pointed at a 6th star close to the other 5 Ezra pointed out.
"You se that one over there, the one close to the other 5?"Kanan asked
"Yeah?" Ezra answered confused
"Well that's you, you also shine like all those stars and I think  6 stars are better than only 5"Kanan said
Ezra looked at Kanan with his eyes sparkling from the starlight and maybe from a few tears forming in his eyes..
"You are part of the crew and this family of the Ghost. I know we will never replace your parents but-"Kanan was interrupted by Ezra hugging him tightlyall the sudden. Kanan smiled and hugged Ezra back.  There were quiet sobs escaping Ezra's mouth, he finally experienced true happiness.
"Now now don't cry, we'll be late for dinner Ez and Hera won't like that"Kanan said with a few tears escaping his eyes as well, trying to not full-blown cry in front of the smaller boy.
"Yeah, you're right!"Ezra smiled widely, something he couldn't do before but.. now that he has what his heart was missing ...he was finally truely happy.

THE END--------
Well its done this uh "one shot" sjjdjd I really enjoyed writing it(HAHHSHDHHDD I MADE SO MANY CHANGES U DONT EVEN KNOW) and I hope you enjoyed it too!
Also side note I literally started this account when I was like 12 and a half and now I'm 15?? Damn time flies

AYE ALSO IM 16 now, just finnished editing this story !

Padawan girl out!

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