A boy named Ezra part 9

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"I do actually. My full name is Ezra Ephraim Bridger"

The crew was beyond shocked. The child that they accepted and found was the son of the first Rebels to stand againts the Empire. "What?"Ezra asked innocently.

"Um"Kanan was speachless, he didnt know what to say back.  Hera knew that Ezra was not supposed to know the whole thing about the Rebellion  of his parents and why they are gone yet so she just  improvized "Well, that's a really beautiful name"

"Thanks, m-my dad was called Ephraim, I was origionally supposed to be Ephraim E-Ezra, but my mum didn't like the idea of me having the same name as my dad"Ezra chuckeled but that smile slowly faded when he mentioned his parents. Kanan sighed and came to a conclusion. Ezra needs to know "Hera we should tell him all about us...and himself". The Twi'lek was silent for a moment but sighed and nodded. Kanan turned towards the younger boy "Ezra...there are some things you need to know"

"Um what is it?"Ezra asked

"First, we are a part.....of... a Rebellion. We fight the Empire for Galaxy's freedom"Kanan said

"So you are the Rebels?"Ezra asked with his voice cracking at the end. "We are"Kanan calmly said but soon saw that Ezra was reacting immedietly after hearing Kanan's confirmation. He started to breath faster and faster. "Are you okay ?" Kanan asked very concerned. At that moment a few tears started falling from Ezra's eyes "I-I don't w-wanna l-lose you"Ezra trembled

"What do you mean?, you wont ever lose us"Kanan said. "I will!, The Empire will kill you!, my parents were rebels too, and now they are dead, I don't want you guys to die as well". Kanan couldnt express what he was feeling into words so he did the only thing that came to his mind at that moment. He hugged the small crying boy gently, trying not to frighten him. Ezra winced for a second, it felt like the hug his father used to give him when he was younger. "You will never lose us Ezra, from now and on we will always be there with you because you are...a part of our family now"Kanan said . It's been a long time since someone called Ezra ''family''. He finally felt loved and cared for. He felt..warm. Then the whole crew joined the hug. "Welcome to the Ghost Family Ez"


After a few minutes Commander Sato was requesting contact. Hera pressed a butten on the common room table as the hologram of the Commander appeared "Ghost crew"Commander Sato said with a smile.

"commander Sato"Hera returned the hello

"H-hello" Ezra said quietly, seeing the new man for the first time. " hello there, you must be Ezra, am I right?"Commander sato asked

"I'm... E-Ezra, what's your name?"Ezra answered, "I'm Jun Sato, It's an honor to meet you". Ezra kept quiet but smiled.

"Ghost crew, I will be seeing you at the base for a new mission in 3 days, we just got the intel"Commander sato said. "If I may ask, where does this mission take place?"Zeb spoke. "this is a very important mission so I can't tell you anything now"Commander sato answered "I'll see you soon". The hologram turned off. "H-he seems nice"Ezra said "Yeah, he is, but sometimes not so much"Sabine chuckeled. "Sabine!"The rest of the crew said with a "shhh"

"Just tellin the truth here"Sabine raised her arms up in the air.  "Everyon get ready to go to the base since we will be leaving soon" Hera spoke and the rest of the crew nodded.


Hope you liked the chapter, leave down in the comments what do you think :):)

Padawan girl out.

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