Kanan's sick day

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*Takes place during season 2


Ezra and Kanan were both in front of the ship with their lightsabers activaded. They were training, having a lightsaber duel. Ezra seemed really focused which was very rare but..Kanan on the other hand seemed like his mind was elsewhere. This confused Ezra greatly but he didnt worry at first. "Maybe Kanan didnt get enough sleep..?" Ezra thought as he blocked Kanan's sloppy attack.

"Focus !" Kanan said as he stepped back a bit, his lightsaber still in position. "You're telling me ?"Ezra said sarcastically as he attacked Kanan back. But surprisingly Kanan...didnt block. Ezra winced and immedietly stopped when he saw that his Master wasnt reacting. But just as he stopped, Kanan "Blocked".

"Hey...are you okay Kanan ?" Ezra asked stepping back a bit from the older man.

"Yes...w-why ?"Kanan barely managed to mutter. Ezra immeditely noticed the stutter. Kanan in a normal state would never stutter. He always spoke clearly. 

"Mhm..."Ezra answered starting to get suspicious. Suddenly Kanan felt himself losing balance. everything around him started spinning..but he regained his balance at the last second before falling down, turning his lightsaber off. Ezra was already close to him reaching out to catch him from falling noticing his Master's movements beforehand. Kanan turned to Ezra, noticing the worry that was now washed over his face. "I dont want to worry anyone" Kanan thought as he quickly stood back up. Completely standing but hoping Ezra doesnt notice his shaking knees. 

"If there is something wrong...please tell me"Ezra said crossing his arms, looking directly at the taller man. Kanan knew this is how Ezra reacts when he's worried, crosses his arms and directs his full attention to the person. He knew that the shorter boy was now completely alert. 

"Im okay"Kanan said "We should stop training for today, you l-look tired"  he stuttered his words again to stop an upcoming cough.

"I look tired ?, what about him ??"Ezra thought

Kanan then put his lightsaber back on his belt and headed towards the inside of The Ghost. Ezra watched his movements. His walking looked forced and his knees were indeed shaking. He was about to reach out to the older man but he stopped, deciding to not anger him plus he knew that Kanan wouldnt tell him anything anyways. But still Ezra remained very worried. It was the first time he saw Kanan this weak out of no where. The raven haired boy picked up the com-link on his belt "Hera" Ezra said contacting Hera only.

"Go ahead Ezra, is something the matter ?"Hera answered from the other end.

"Its Kanan, something is wrong. He...he doesnt look so good."Ezra said. "Maybe he's sick..?" Hera answered in a clearly concerned tone. Untill Ezra spoke again "...You might be right...but he's insisting that he's fine".

"Just like you would *Hera chuckeled*....I'll check on him, Im sure its okay and nothing serious. Kanan had colds before" 

"Kanan had colds before...I never saw Kanan sick now that I think about it.." Ezra thought

"Ezra ?" Hera asked

"S-Sorry, I'll see you soon" Ezra answered ending the com-link connection.

Ezra sat down on the ground, not knowing what to do. Should he go check on Kanan again ?, is he alright now ? what if something happens ?. Those thoughts consumed Ezra's mind. He was starting to get annoyed with his own incompetence. But suddenly his expression changed to a more relaxed one..

"Guess I can do the only thing I know how to do..."


As soon as Kanan entered his cabin he collapsed on his bed, barely awake.

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