A boy named Ezra part 19

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The crew was waiting for Ezra to eat breakfast but he just wasnt coming for a while.

"Hera I'm hungry."Zeb said

"I know"Hera answered

"I am HUNGRY"Zeb said

"Wait for Ezra"Sabine added

"That kid AINT comin, I gotta eat or I'll starve to death untill he comes"Zeb said

Hera gave Zeb a death stare and was about to open her mouth and lecture him. Then the common room's door opened revealing Ezra.

"Good morning Ez!"Sabine said trying to brighten the mood

Ezra rubbed his eye "G-Good morning". He walked to the table sitting next to Sabine

"Here's ur breakfast"Hera said and handed Ezra a plate of food. But just as he was about to start eating...Ezra started feeling dizzz, really dizzy.

"I uh...Hera...I-I'm not..really hungry"Ezra somehow said trying to act like he just wasnt hungry, saying it as normally he could.

"But its not healthy to skip breakfast, at least take a little bit"Hera said but her eyes widened when she saw the sudden change in Ezra, he couldnt seem to focus on the Twi'lek. Suddenly Ezra looked down like he was trying to calm himself. He felt himseld starting to breathe heavily and he couldnt control it. At this point the crew noticed and started to get really worried for the boy.

"Hey Ez...You you feelin alright?"Sabine asked

"Yeah...you dont look fine to me"Zeb said but Ezra wasnt answering.

"Ezra ?"Hera called out to him with worry in her voice. Ezra toom a deep breath and looked up at the crew

"W-what.....I-Im fin-"Ezra didnt manage to finnish his sentance, everything went black.

"Ezra!"Hera screamed

That was the last thing Ezra heard before passing out...


Ezra opened his eyes without knowing how much time had passed. He was in the medbay, laying on the bed. As he looked  around  his eyes set on Hera that was next to him. She was carefully observing Ezra's arm. Quickly Ezra figured out what arm she was observing. It was the one that had the blackness on it. Ezra's eyes widened. The twi'lek moved, noticing that Ezra was awake "Ezra!"

"Thank the force u are awake!"Hera said grabbing her com-link "he's awake"

Then after a few moments Sabine and Zeb entered the med bay. They were all visibly very worried.

"Hey kid, how ya doin?"Zeb asked

"I'm..uh...d-doing..o-okay"Ezra answered in a shaky voice, afraid that the crew was mad at him for keeping his ''injury'' a secret.

"Why didnt u tell us about....that"Sabine asked pointing at Ezra's arm

"I...I was going..t-to figure it out myself..."Ezra said

"Figure it out urself?!, Ezra even I dont know WHAT exactly that is!"Hera said in a rised but worried voice. She wasnt trying to yell at the boy, her concern was at its peak.

"U-U dont know what it is?"Ezra asked clearly getting distressed himself

"I only know that its somehow connected to Kanan.....it started appearing when Kanan...fell in a coma right?"Hera asked "Y-Yes...."Ezra answered truthfully

"Then it has to do something with Kanan alright...."Zeb said

"But what exactly....."sabine added. Ezra's guillt shot up again for taking the attention of Kanan. He didnt want the crew to worry about the both of them.

"But I-I'll be okay you dont h-have to worry!"Ezra said 

"Okay??, no. We cant pass this up again like nothing, we are going to help u NO MATTER what"Hera said

"Yeah, so dont you say no to  help because we are here for u kid"Zeb added

"Exactly, u are part of our family now since to moment we meet you, and family cares about eachother right?"Sabine said with a smile

Ezra then realized that....the crew cared for him...that they didnt blame him, that they arent mad...just worried. Finally, Ezra felt Loved once again. It was like some kind of warmth was consuming him, beating the guilt he was previously feeling.

Ezra sat up in a sitting position, that fake smile had dropped...tears started pouring down from Ezra's face. it was a mixture of happiness and regret.

The crew looked at Ezra immedietly thinking something was hurting him.

"Hey...whats wrong?"Sabine said

"Are you okay?"Hera asked getting closer but the Ezra raised his head

"I..I'm so sorry! All this time I have been laying to you that I'm ''fine and okay'' I'm not, the thing that happened to Kanan is killing me!, I know its my fault, if i only went on that mission I could have been backup!, Im so so sorry for hiding and lying to you!, I promise I wont do it again!"Ezra said in a innocent child voice full of regret and pain. This was the first time he was able to say something clearly without stuttering. It was a sign that he was truely speaking from the heart.

Suddenly Ezra felt arms taking him in a hug, when he looked closer he noticed it was Hera and Sabine.

"Shhh..it's okay Ezra..It's okay, let it out"Hera said

"We are here for you"Sabine said. Ezra hugged back immedietly still crying as he muttered "t-thank you"

Hera and sabine pulled away from the hug then Zeb hugged Ezra tightly "Dont u ever think like that kiddo, ur like a little brother to me. We could never hate you"Zeb said

"T-Thanks...big b-bro....but...uhh ur s-squishing m-mee"Ezra said as Zeb let go and chuckeled.

The crew smiled at the boy...and Ezra... for the first time...he REALLY did smile.

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