A boy named Ezra part 2

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Sabine and Zeb finnished cleaning the paint and the overall mess they made. Collapsing on the common room sofa. There was a sound of a door opening, a familiar Twi'lek woman came in.

"Hey"Hera said with a small smirk escaping her lips. As soon as Hera came in Sabine and Zeb started to feel even guilter, trying desperatly to find a subject for small talk.

"I smell that something is wrong" Hera said "Spill it"

Sabine couldn't hold it anymore. She took a deep breath and

"HerawepaintedtheGhostKanantooktheblameforusbecausewellidontknowbutstillitsourfaultweweresupposedtobetheonesonthesupplyrunpunishemt"Sabine said in one quick breath

"Um Sabine...can you say that again?"Hera asked chuckling. Sabine paused for a moment again then let out a long sigh.

"Me and Zeb painted the Ghost,Kanan took the blame for us because uh actually we dont know why but still it's our fault, we were supposed to be on the supply run punishment not Kanan"Sabine said "It's the truth Hera,we are sorry"Zeb added

"Yeah me as well"Sabine said agreeing with Zeb

Hera sighed deeply, knowing her gut instincts were right. Kanan would never do something as dumb as this. "Why didn't you tell me in the first place?"Hera asked

"Well to be honest...we were just a little scared" Sabine said epmhazising on the "little" 

"I'll call Kanan"Hera said and picked up her com-link "Spectre 1 do you copy?". After a small silence a rumbling noise was heard and then a clear voice.

"Yeah I copy"Kanan said over the com-link

"Kanan, who are you talking to?"Ezra was heard in the back of Kanan's transmission.

"Who is that ?"Hera asked a little panicked

"I'll explain when we come"Kanan said

"WE?"Hera exclaimed 

"Gotta go see you there !"Kanan said and the com-link signal turned off. "KANAN!"Hera yelled

"What just happened?"Zeb asked

"Well that voice, it sounded like a child's voice"Sabine said also very confused by the situation

"Great, don't tell me Kanan is bringing a kid on the ship"Zeb said in annoyance, "I think that this will be interesting"Hera added. Zeb and Sabine turned to Hera with confused and questioning expressions.

"I mean, come on guys, a child on the Ghost, it will be great !"Hera said

"Whatever you say Hera,whatever you say"Sabine started getting up from the sofa and tapping Hera's back


"Kanan, who was that?"Ezra asked

"That's my friend Hera, she is the captain of the Ghost, a Twi'lek"Kanan said

"What's a Twi'lek?"Ezra asked with the cutest voice

"You'll see"Kanan smiled. The two countinued walking on the Grassy fields on Lothal.After a few moments a tall tower was seen very close to the two.

"Ohh, I totally forgot"Ezra said spotting the tower

"Forgot what?"Kanan asked

"My stuff"Ezra said, "Where is your stuff?"Kanan asked. "There!"Ezra pointed at the Tower

"Oh okay, wanna go pack up ?"Kanan asked as Ezra nodded.

The two started walking towards Ezra's tower.

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