Insecurities part 6

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Rex and Kanan arrived first in a rush. As soon as they were off the imperial shuttle and in the command ship, Kanan contacted the rest of the crew while running to the other end of the ship. He had told them what happened and it was clear they were very worried. While the Jedi was running to the other Imperial shuttle that contected to the rebel ship at the other end, his legs felt heavy and he could barely process anything, he couldnt even process the tears that were streaming down his face. The only thing in his mind was Ezra, he had to see him. 

Kanan stepped in front of the door connecting the two ships as it slid open...on the other end stood Commander Sato..and in his arms a weak and fragile teen could be seen. He had his eyes tightly shut and lines of dried blood could be seen running along his cheeks and forehead. Kanan gasped at the sight, his heart sunk but there was no time for it. Sato broke Kanan out of his trance with a yell "Kanan, I'll take him to the med-bay ! You get the others" The commander was about to pass the Jedi but Kanan grabbed his shoulder and said "Please let me take him"

Sato stopped and looked at the Jedi, he had obviously been crying on his way over there. The tears that were on his cheeks were still fresh. But The commander knew that Kanan really needed to have Ezra with him now so gently he handed the boy to the Jedi. Kanan's eyes were once again glossy, seeing the face of the smaller boy. He hadnt noticed it before but Ezra truely was fragile and his body felt like it was made of glass. 

Soon, Kanan started running to the med-bay, keeping Ezra's body as still as possible. While they were heading there, Kanan felt a squeeze on his chest.....He looked down and saw that his Padawan had come closer to him, snuggling in his chest and desperately holding onto his shirt. It seemed like Ezra hadnt been with Kanan in years yet they were just at eachother's side yesterday. With a pained but relived expression, The older Jedi reached the med-bay within seconds..


They were standing in front of the doors of the med-bay with worried expressions, waiting for the two Jedi to come. Sabine had her arms wrapped around herself as Hera was barely holding back tears. Zeb seemed to be completely out of it, he didnt know how to react or what to do while being consumed by emotions and intense overthinking. Even chopper was quiet for a change, standing besides Zeb and hitting the Lasat with his small mechanical arm asking from time to time "Is the dumb kid going to be okay ?"

Suddenly, two figures running to the med-bay could be seen as everyone turned to face them. It was Kanan...and Ezra in his arms. The sight was horrible as Hera gasped. Ezra truely looked weak a corpse but the tight hold he had on Kanan's shirt proved otherwise. Sabine's expression turned to intense worry as soon as she saw them...but when she saw Kanan's face she knew he had been crying and the man never cried in front of anyone....and yet..

Kanan exchanged quick glances with the crew but he rushed into the med bay. The moment he got inside a doctor with grey hair and a blue eyed nurse met them. The doctor stepped towards Kanan, looking him in the eyes. Without realising it, his grip on Ezra tightened, thats why the doctor needed permission from Kanan to take the boy. With a hypnotic gaze and gentle movements The doctor was halfway done with taking Ezra away. The man whispered "Its okay Kanan...we got him" At that moment the doc completely took Ezra from Kanan and set him on the med-bay bunk, already starting to look into the injuries he had. 

The nurse approched Kanan slowly and with a soft voice said "Its okay...we will take care of him. Please wait outside". With a worried expression but without a word Kanan nodded and exited the med-bay, glancing at Ezra one more time thinking "Please...please be okay"

With that the Jedi now joined the others in front of the med-bay. As soon as he was out, his legs gave out making him fall to the ground with a thud. Hera rushed to him immedietly asking if he was alright. But to that...Kanan just looked up at the female with sparkling eyes and a pained expression....At that moment, Hera also broke down seeing Kanan cry. She let out a sob as she hugged the man tightly. The jedi hugged back almost immedietly, grabbing onto the twi'lek for dear was the only comfort to him right now. Sabine and Zeb looked at the sight in front of them, with that the young girl also broke down in tears, collapsing into the chair next to her as Zeb with glassy eyes started to comfort her. Chopper looked at everyone and rolled next to Sabine, snuggling in with her and refusing to say a word.


The crew had calmed down while still waiting in front of the med-bay. Kanan was standing leaned on the wall with Hera and with Sabine sitting down on the chairs. Zeb was trying to talk with chopper but the droid refused to say anything. 

Suddenly the sound of doors sliding open could be heard as the doctor stepped out. The entire crew immedietly went up to him with worried expressions.

"What happened ? Is Ezra alright ?" Kanan asked panicked, his voice trembling at the end

But...the doctor stayed quiet and took a deep breath before answering "He has a lot of injuries, some of them being a broken rib along with a head injury. His arm was crushed and will need quite some time to heal. There were scratches all over his body along with a deep cut on his thigh. His left foot was fractured too so I dont think he'll be walking normally for a while....and..."The doctor spoke, looking away in worry before finnishing. 

Panic rose up within everyone present as the doctor said

".....His vocal cords are damaged....I'm not sure if he'll be able to speak ever again"

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