A boy Named Ezra part 34

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The doctor came back inside the med bay. He looked at Ezra without caring for Kanan.
"We are gonna go soon Ez"The doctor said and went to his table with many bottles and syringes, he packed them in a bag.
Then he came to Where Ezra was laying.
"Just 15 more minutes, when the last patrol ends we are going away from here?"The doctor said in a pshycotic voice.
But then he pulled a chair next to Ezra's bed and sat on it.
"You know I wasnt with the Empire origionally, so no hard feelings okay?"
"I joined it because i lost everything, and they appriciated my talent to manipulate but also heal people"
"Guess i was Spy material"The doctor said
"Anyways to skip the question part, i was assigned to kill Kanan Jarrus and take you away And bring you to the Emperor"
"He needs you but... beats me"
"Though, You lost everything as well, didn't you, from what I heard you are the son of the voices of hope"
The doctor started silently laughing but then laughed louder
"Mira and Ephraim Bridger! Two fools who thought they could change the state the galaxy is in!"
"And i was stupid enough to support them!! I was their ally, their friend, their fan!, i knew them well!"The doctor countinued laughing
"But i found out the Empire was already suspecting who the voices of hope were, and guess what I just, confirmed it! I sold them out along with that weirdo Tseebo!"
"I was selfish and scared i didnt wanna die! And look at me now! Working for the Empire, bringing you, the child of my two idols to enemy hands"The doctor started chuckling.
"Sorry i didnt mean to rant like that, though....you must have missed your parents"
"I even meet you once, you were a baby and you were Mira and Ephraim's treasure. Look at yourself now, A Jedi Padawan"
"I bet those fools Are proud of you"
There was a moment of silence
"Oh wait, i didnt tell you..oops, Your parents were executed when the rebellion rose to power"The doctor said
Ezra looked as he was in pain but his eyes were shut.
"I guess i shouldnt have said that but when im already saying things i shouldn't.. i might as well say I injected Kanan with a chemical Drug especially made for killing Jedi"The doctor said
Ezra winced even more but still didnt wake up.
"Hm your force illness must be getting worse plus the things I said"
"Well I guess you heard it all...but it doesnt matter, we are going now"The doctor commented, got up from the chair and took the bag he packed his stuff in and tied it over his waist.
Then he came back to Ezra, The doctor Picked him up and carried him bridal style.
He was about to go through the door of the med-bay.
Kanan opened his eyes, everything was blurry to him but he saw the doctor was leaving with Ezra in his hands.
Kanan reached out his hand, he was trying to yell at the doctor to let Ezra go but no sound came out, only bits and pieces.
"L-e-e..t..hhim..g-go"Kanan said while reaching out his hand
The doctor turned to Kanan.
"Do excuse me, but i cannot do that"The doctor said and turned his head.
"Also I want you all the best in the afterlife or wherever you Jedi go"The doctor said as he left the med-bay, taking Ezra away and leaving Kanan inside the room to die.

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