Bonds through time part 1

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Soo heres my new story/one shot, sorry for the wait got into among us and kind of welp im always on the server. ANYWAYS hope you enjoy this story and I have to put a TRIGGER WARNING



The story takes place the clone wars. In this story Kanan will be called Kanan and not Caleb plus he will be 25. And Ezra's name will be Elliot but he will prefer to be called "Ezra"



In the quiet circular room, surrounded by Jedi Masters, a tall brown haired man with a jedi robe stood calmly. He just received his title as "Jedi Knight Kanan Jarrus" not too long ago and he was called in by the council to discuss a certain Padawan...

"Masters I..I dont understand your objective..If the boy-"Kanan started surprised at the council's words..

"As you know this young Padawan is very asocial and quiet. Not to mention quite agressive if he is ticked off. He needs someone to guide him and so far he has pushed away over 5 other Jedi Masters that wanted to take him on as a Padawan."Mace Windu said with a sigh, with not much energy in his words.

"Jedi this boy doesnt like, found a match for him we havent." Yoda stated calmly looking at Kanan with gentle eyes

"But he had to have some Master before right ?Considering his age.."Kanan commented at the situation, knowin that all apprentices in the Jedi Temple had at least one Master at one point or another.

"Elliott... did have a Master, like the other Padawans. That Master was his first one and the one he spend the longest time with but..."Shaak ti said in a sad voice, looking down... Silence fell over the room, everyone seemed be in a bad mood all of a sudden, something was clearly abnormal with this situation. Suddenly Master Yoda sighed "Elliott's first master was consumed by anger and violent tendencies...and he used his own Padawan as a way to release these emotions"

Kanan's body froze, he had never heard of a situation like that happening in the Jedi Order. Now that Yoda mentioned it, he remembered that a certain Jedi Master was  expelled from the Jedi Order under mysterious circumstances. That certain Jedi Master was never seen again.

Then Mace Windu said with a wave of his hand"That matter has been dealt with. But after Elliott's first Master, the trouble began. The Padawan refused to communicate with the other Padawans including Jedi Masters and Knights. He only speaks when spoken to under serious cicrumstances which mostly include mission. Other times.He's completely quiet. Though, The only people he freely communicates with are the clones. Especially Skywalker's and Kenobi's unit." 

The brown haired man's gaze fell down to the floor, he felt bad for the kid. Who knows what he has been through and this was the result of it..Kanan couldnt believe that a Jedi Master could commit such vile acts on his Padawan, not even caring about how its going to affect him. That Master was true scum.

"As mace Windu mentioned, Elliott speaks to mine and Anakin's unit the most, joins us on missions and the alike. The soldiers are quite fond of him but he always changes his act when Jedi are around. He doesnt even speak to Ahsoka or Anakin much. He does have notable skills and obeys orders without question. But after the mission is completed he would isolate himself once again. But I dont blame him...considering what he has been through.."Obi-wan said stroking his beard while speaking, almost as if thinking and speaking at the same time.

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