A boy Named Ezra part 35

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The Med-bay door behind the doctor closed as he was holding Ezra in his arms and a backpack was on his back. They were in the hallways of the base. As expected no one was there.
"The ship behind the base is ready"The doctor said as he started walking towards the back door of the base.
"You must be wondering how I made "an active ship" behind the base not suspicious"The doctor commented
"I just told them I have meds in there i could use and not bring back to the med-bay"
"Well i bet you can hear everything I'm saying but the injection i gave you must be tiring you out!"
"Dont worry its not that harmful, it just gives out unnecessary force waves and tires you out so you cant wake up untill i gave you an antibiotic"The doctor said "We shall soon be at the ship.."

Everyone was sleeping, though they all had a hard time falling asleep.

Hera was tossing and turning in her sleep, the worry about Ezra wasnt going away even though she was sleeping.

"Hera"A voice was heard
"W-who's there" Hera answered, not being able to recognise the voice
"Hera!"The voice said louder
Then Hera recognised it, it was Kanan's voice
"Kanan!, Kanan where are you??!!"Hera yelled
"No time to explain, you have to wake up now! Ezra is in danger!"Kanan said loudly
"Hera Wake up!!!"Kanan yelled

Hera shot up from her bed and jumped on her feet breathing heavily.
She ran out of her room.
"Everyone get up!!!"Hera yelled loudly
"SABINE ZEB CHOP NOW!!"Hera yelled even louder.
Then Sabine's cabin door opened revealing her running out of the room
"Hera whats going on??"Sabine asked panicked
Zeb came out of his room quickly as well, Chop was there too.
"What happened??"Zeb said
"Beep-boop(yeah i was dreaming something nice)"Chopper said
"Ezra is in danger! Kanan told me!"Hera said and started moving towards the ramp.
"Wha-"Sabine started
"No time to explain, We need to get to Ezra now!!"Hera said
Zeb and Sabine nodded and followed Hera.
They went out of the Ghost.
"Zeb, chop go find Ashoka and bring her here!"Hera said
"Alright we're gonna get her"Zeb said as he took the left turn.
Sabine Hera  went to the base's med-bay.
The door opened revealing Kanan laying on the med bay bed, looking as if he is in pain.
"Kanan!!"Sabine and Hera screamed at the same time
They ran to Kanan.
"Hera whats happening to him?!"Sabine asked
"I dont know! I dont know!"Hera said panicked. Then Ashoka and Zeb and chopper came.
Zeb winced when he saw Kanan.
Ashoka quickly came to Hera and Kanan. She started checking his temperature then she closed her eyes and put her hand up.
"Sabine Zeb! Go find Ezra!"Hera said
Sabine and Zeb nodded leaving the Med-bay.
Hera turned to Kanan and Ashoka.
Ashoka opened her eyes, she look really stressed.
"Ashoka whats wrong with him??"Hera said worriedly
Ashoka didnt answer, she looked around the room and then she spotted a bottle of blue liquid on a high shelf.

"Ayee I forgot Kanan's antibiotic..oh well..doesnt matter he'll die soon anyways. Nothing can cure death"The doctor said as he was getting through the exit door.

"Hera get me that bottle of blue liquid on that shelf!"Ashoka said
Hera nodded and got it and gave it to Ashoka.
Ashoka got up and took a extra syringe that was on the table of the doctor.
She put the blue liquid in it and came to Kanan again. She took his arm and rolled up his sleeve and Injected him with the syringe.
"What are you doing?"Hera asked
"We were right about that doctor, he is a spy, the thing he injected Kanan would have killed him if we were 5 minutes late"Ashoka said as he took out the needle from Kanan's arm.
Kanan immediately opened his eyes and shot up from the bed and started breathing heavily.
"Ezra..."Kanan said
"Beep-boop(someones finally awake)"Chopper commented
Hera Got up and hugged Kanan.
"Don't ever do that again! You have no idea how worried we were!" Hera said
Ashoka smiled.
"Im sorry to worry you, but now we have to go get Ezra!"Kanan said and got up but he got dizzy and Hera cought him before he lost balance. Hera asked if he was okay but Kanan nodded standing back up on his own, he looked over at Ahsoka.
"Ashoka, Thank you for..well...saving my life"Kanan said
Ashoka smiled and nodded.

They all went out of the med-bay, running to find Ezra.

Ashoka Kanan, chop and Hera met up with Sabine and Zeb.
Sabine ran to Kanan and hugged him.
"Dont ever do that again!"Sabine said
Zeb smiled "Its good to have you back boss"
"Good to be back"Kanan said but his expression changed immediately to serious and worry.
"Have you found Ezra?"Kanan asked.
Sabine shook her head.
Then behind the base, a ship was heard taking off...

The doctor got into the ship and set Ezra down on a medical bed in the ship. He went to the cockpit and sat down.
"Off we go"The doctor said as be activated the ship and started taking off.

The crew started running towards the core of the sound. It led them to the back door.They went out and saw the ship taking off. Kanan saw the doctor in the cockpit
"LET EZRA GO!"Kanan yelled angrily

The doctor looked down again, confused at how Kanan was alive but it didnt matter, he smirked at them and waved.
The ship started rising high in the air.
Kanan put his hand up and started using the force to get the ship back on the ground. But it wasnt working.
Ashoka came in front of Kanan and put her hand up, trying to get the ship down as well, but the engine was too strong, the ship flew high and disappeared
"No!!"Everyone yelled
"EZRA!"Kanan yelled with fear in his voice reaching out to the ship that now was not even there..

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